Lots of crocodiles live along the River if the Spinosaurus had survived the Mass extinction and still the Nile today, the crocodiles would be looking for a a new home on land and crocodiles crocodiles became land dwellers became land dwellers the the the land land along along. This reflects their … Also if harp seals were. ... and other dinosaur species that have been extinct for so long. The name Deinosuchus means the terrible crocodile. W hat is the best way of getting rid of flies? What If Titan boa Snake Didn’t Go Extinct? It most likely became extinct when its food supply died off. please no coments on if seal skinning and wolf hunting is wrong or right. Thankfully, Titanoboa began to go extinct towards the beginning of the Miocene era, but now that you know a little about Titanoboa, let's talk about what would happen if it never went EXTINCT. With only one specimen, we don't know when or why P. vincenti went extinct, but the Darling Downs where the fossils were found are now far too dry to support crocodiles… About 65 million years ago, all dinosaurs went into extinction, except for one group of feathered dinosaurs. Due to its widespread occurrence and stable population trend, it has been listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List since 1996. But with conservation efforts around the world, many endangered species of crocodile have managed to survive. What would happen to the food chain if the alligators disappeared? Ask local residents about where crocodiles or alligators live in lakes and rivers, and don't go swimming outside of designated areas. Deinosuchus or the ancient crocodiles were super giant ancestors of modern crocodiles. That’d be very bad for Africa’s river and wetland ecosystems. Creatures of the past naturally have a certain appeal that modern animals lack simply because they are no longer here. along land the the along Nile Nile the Nile Nile. Can you immediately name the largest snake in the world? You’ve seen it growing on your fruit, eating your leftovers, and maybe even hiding in your basement. The belief is that even if the asteroid had have missed, then they would have been finished off by the brutal Ice Ages which began 2.5 million years ago and still continues today. As alligators disappeared from the food chain, being at the highest trophic level, there would be a population increase in their prey such as fish, birds, amphibians, and other animals. Management and research information including alerts, biology, conservation status, distribution, habitats, management and research. Because black-footed ferrets rely so heavily on prairie dogs for food, they were thought to be extinct in the wild by the 1970s, due to loss of habitat and not enough food to eat. Crocodiles survived the asteroid strike that wiped out the dinosaurs because they hit on a winning formula and have hardly changed since, according to new research from the University of Bristol. Freshwater crocodiles have an important cultural value with residents and visitors. But Catholicism, colonialism and capitalism fundamentally transformed people's attitudes towards crocodiles (van … … Crodcodylomorph is a group of archosaurs that includes crocodiles — large, semiaquatic, and carnivorous reptiles — and their extinct relatives. Probably intellectually..practically speaking, I don't believe in killing animals for their skin to make alligator handbags and crocodile high heels or whatever the heck they do.What else are crocs and gators used for? Wikimedia Commons. Right. “Life, uh, finds a way” is perhaps the most memorable quote from the 1993 hit Jurassic Park, uttered by Dr. Ian Malcolm when trying to explain how a park full of genetically engineered female dinosaurs managed to start breeding. 11. Martin Lockley told Live Science magazine that this is the first proof pointing to the existence of some bipedal giant crocodiles from the cretaceous period that were similar to carnivorous dinosaurs. I was wondering what would happen to the ecosystem is wolves were extinct. Still if you were ever to travel backwards in time then these would be the most dangerous animals you could hope to encounter. What would happen? What would happen if black footed ferrets went extinct? This is mold. 1. They reached the length of 39 feet (12m) and weighed almost ten tons. I’ll give you a hint. What If Titan boa Snake Didn’t Go Extinct? Both the freshwater crocodile and the vulnerable estuarine crocodile can live in fresh or salt water. This photo gives some hints: the abandoned Pripyat amusement park, in Pripyat, Ukraine. Would it bother you if Crocodiles and Alligaters became Extinct...? I guess in the south they use gator in their food stream one way or another. A brownish black Round Island Keel-Scaled Boa. The giant boa used to eat crocodiles, specifically the Cerrijonisuchus. The advantages of humans being wiped out outweighs the disadvantages to the ecosystem.There are some but in the long run,the ecosystem will be better than ever.Unless of course an asteroid slams into the planet and kills all life which might have been prevented by human technology. In the mass extinction at the end of the dinosaur era, probably at least partly caused by the asteroid impact, 80% of the species on Earth were made extinct. The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) is a large crocodilian native to freshwater habitats in Africa, where it is present in 26 countries. Unfortunately, the bigger an animal is, the more attractive it is to trophy hunters. Saltwater crocodiles are one of the easiest crocodile species to identify, mostly because they (normally) entirely lack large scutes between the cervical shield and the back of the head. Popular culture might try have us believe that dinosaurs could live in today’s environment, but the reality is far more complicated. W hat would happen if Executive Order 9066 was never made. They like sandy substrates in areas where river channels cut through escarpments and plateaus, and sands, loams and other friable substrate in freshwater wetlands. If alligators and crocs went extinct, the world would have been a better place. The Round Island burrowing boa is a bit of a misnomer: In fact, this 3-foot-long snake used to be native to the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius (where the dodo had gone extinct a few centuries before) and was only pushed out to the much smaller Round Island thanks to the depredations of human settlers and their pets. Hopefully, that’d never happen. and then you couldn't sleep for days because you were convinced Jaws was living in your waterbed, then you almost certainly don't want to hear about Kronosaurus because Kronosaurus is a million times scarier than a great white shark and would make pretty short work of both you and your waterbed. If your mom forced you to watch Jaws as an 8-year-old ("It's a classic!") That's the message of a new study published in the May 2013 issue of Forest Ecology and Management that found more than a dozen elephant-dependent … This is the name of a very famous horror movie, did you guess? It also adds nutrients to the water. Do not go in murky water, or swim at dusk or at night, when the animals hunt and are harder to see. They’re in your yard, on your walls, in your attic, and there’s probably one near you right now. What would happen if humans became extinct? There are around 300 species of mussels inhabiting the North American continent, and about 70 percent of them are extinct or endangered, according to one estimate from the US Geological Survey. For evidence, the world today seems to be worse than it was in the past 70 years where crocs and alligators were virtualy depleted or wiped out from their natural habitats. First things first, because Titanoboa would need to live in warm climates, it would only be able to survive in rainforests near the equator. Every living thing plays a role in the food chain and Earth’s ecosystems, and the extinction of certain species, whether predators or prey, can leave behind significant impacts. It was to be opened for the first time on May 1, 1986, in time for the May Day celebrations, but these plans were scuttled on April 26, when the Chernobyl disaster occurred a few kilometers away. It smells bad, it’s creepy-looking, and even if you don’t know much about it, you probably know enough to keep it as far away from your mouth as possible. This veneration is reflected in oral history and material culture. Cerrijonisuchus means "small crocodile from Cerrejon," although don't be fooled by its name, it was still seven to eight feet long, although big it was even smaller than most crocodiles. It’s the anaconda. Many crocodiles are also killed for their meat in Africa and parts of Asia. There are some scientists that believe that the dinosaurs were an extinction waiting to happen. The archosaurs became very successful. Click to see full answer Considering this, how can we save the crocodile? For starters, hippopotamus feces helps spread seeds around the ecosystem, helping the growth of plants. But then, they truly lived up to their names. (For comparison, about 17 percent of mammals and 16 percent of birds in North America are in jeopardy.) Extinct! Archosaurs were the earliest ancestors of crocodiles and dinosaurs. The thought of these creepy crawlers might make you want to go on an immediate spider crusade. Crocodiles were seen as the guardians of the underworld: divine creatures that guarded the social order. What Would Happen If We Killed All Spiders On Earth? As these populations increased they would put strains on or even drive their food sources to extinction. However, humans can live on many things, not just on land, also in the sea and along the sea shore, in lakes, underground, and in the air. They come with awesome names-- sheepnose, spectaclecase, Higgins' eye, fat pocketbook, etc. Stay away from water with crocodiles or alligators in. The crocodile is most dangerous animal in the world even now. If the Mountain Gorilla becomes extinct, its predators will have much less food to eat, and because it is such a large animal, each time they eat one, they become full for longer, if all crocodiles began to eat just antelopes for example, constantly, then they too would soon become extinct, because of … Megapiranhas weighed 20 to 30 pounds (compared with 2 pounds for the modern version) and lived in South America between 10 and 6 million years ago, when the snakes, fish, and crocodiles …

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