Changes and corrections to the
information in this document may be incorporated in future releases. Include type of contact, contact name, department, telephone number, and e-mail address (if applicable). Troubleshooting Guide Template (MS Word) You can use this Troubleshooting Guide template (MS Word 12 pages) to help users detect and correct problems with software, electrical or automotive systems. � Key features : The Starter User Manual Template has been designed for Microsoft Word 2010 and later, as … Direct access to these unprivileged accounts is disabled, however the services run as the unprivileged user and thus only have access to what the unprivileged user has permissions for. They handle DOS attacks at kernel level. It is recommended to configure the bash RPM on the Presence Services machine to log all shell command activity to Linux system logs in /var/log/messages. These network programs will send out user name and password in clear text. See Appendix A for recommendations on configuring Linux to enforce a password change policy for cust account.postgrespostgresYesPostgresQL Database userAt least 6 chars, no dictionary words or palindromes.By default, password changes are not required. @ A B C D E F b c �������ձ�����s�����b��ձ����� �jl
h`R� UmH nH u 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u �jr h`R� UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u c d e x y z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��ø������Ӌ�}t}Z�ø��I���Ӌ �j` h`R� UmH nH u 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u �jf h`R� UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u 2�j�
h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u� � � Think of a documentation template as your essential guide for documenting all of your data and SOPs. The following shows how these inactivity timeouts can be modified. This form is perfect for embedding on your website. � This way you can use Gutentor libraries without any issue in the future. In addition, internal unprivileged accounts (like apache, monit etc) which are not directly logged into, should not have policies set for them. This makes it easy for the user and helps eliminate possible errors due to details that are not needed. WooCommerce. These configuration changes require root access and would typically need to be performed by an Avaya Services technician running as root or sroot. What to write first? See Instructional text to find out more about using instructional text in templates. For more detail on Avaya tracking policies and practices, please see:
Avaya's Product Security Vulnerability Response Policy
Avaya's Security Vulnerability Classification Policy
These following appendices outline some potential options for configuration changes that may help make the Presence Services machine more secure. Rethinker. Use this Troubleshooting Guide to: See the Vetur Linting Guide for more information. To lockout an account after a period of inactivity (after their password has expired). We’ve got plenty of them—Google Sheets, Mailchimp, Hubspot… you name it. It controls the network packet filtering code in the Linux kernel. /etc/pam.d/xcp-auth by default comes with permissions for cust and craft users to login to the XCP controller. [ \ ] ^ � � � � � � � � � � ��ø������Ӌ�}t}Z�ø��I���Ӌ �j� h`R� UmH nH u 2�jw h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u �j� h`R� UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u 2�j} h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u� � � � � � � � � � * 4 5 6 � �������������tleae]UJUB hx� mH sH j ��h~ mH sH h~ mH sH h�gX h�y� h~� h~� j h�X� Uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u �j�! This document describes the security features and outlines the security guidelines that are recommended for securing Presence Services against known vulnerabilities and attacks. In order to do this issue the following command (as sroot) chage �d 0 cust
Forcing periodic password changes on account cust. By using a template for each type of documentation you write your readers will find it easier to use. Configure Document Templates. � �! Start with this template Solve problems quickly and efficiently with this troubleshooting form This form is perfect for embedding on your website. Avaya support
Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or
to ask questions about your product. What we did was identify the top ten problems and then provide the solutions as simply as possibly: You can also use this template … � Monitoring Software
It is strongly recommended to install intrusion detection and monitoring software on the Presence Services machine. Account NameGroup Default PasswordPurpose Password Naming PolicyPassword Change Policycustsusers YesFor customer use At least 6 chars, no dictionary words or palindromes.By default, password changes are not required. Troubleshooting Guide Template: Purpose. Isn’t it much better to just refer to a paragraph in docs and send an URL to a colleague then describe the same thing over and over again in e-mails? @ A B C D ` a b c q r s � � � �������������t����Z�����I� �jT h`R� UmH nH u 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� OJ QJ mH nH u �jZ h`R� UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � P Q R l ����Ӹ���Ӆ���t�����Ӹ��ZӅ��� 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u �jN h`R� UmH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH ul m n p q r s t u � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����µ§����t���c���µ§��I� 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u �jB h`R� UmH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u �h�*� mH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u �jH h`R� UmH nH u�
' ( ) + , - . To check for locked out accounts run �faillog�. Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config file in read-write mode. Again this requires modification to the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file. Reader. This can be done by using various options available through the iptables command. For full legal page information, please see the complete document,
Avaya Legal Page for Hardware Documentation,
Document number 03-600759. Troubleshooting section and instructions on how to solve problems; Maintenance information; Repair information; Information on disposal of the product and packaging ; Technical specifications; Table of content; Index; Glossary; Warranty information; Contact details; Using a user manual template. To resolve this issue, you will need to turn off Vetur's template validation with vetur.validation.template: false. Link disclaimer
Avaya Inc. is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked
Web sites referenced elsewhere within this documentation, and Avaya
does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or information
described or offered within them. You can also use parameters outside of templates. password sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ nullok use_authtok md5 shadow remember=10
NOTE:If the /etc/security/opasswd doesn't exist, create the file. Port Used ForProtocol Direction7400Presence Services CoretcpInbound & Outbound5432, 53418[Local Only]Postgres DBtcpInbound5353XCP ControllerudpInbound7300XCP ControllertcpInbound5222XCP ControllertcpInbound5223XCP ControllertcpInbound68DHCPtcpInbound22SSH (and SFTP and SCP)tcp�Inbound123NTPtcpOutbound2812MonittcpInbound32000[Local Only], 48859[Local Only], 31003 [Local Only]SAL Agent tcpOutbound32777[Local Only], 10162SAL Agent udpOutbound3268Active Directory connector (optional)tcpOutbound5269Server-to-ServertcpInboundControlling the Firewall on Presence Services Solution
It is possible to control the communication access [through ports] to Presence Services through firewall. Try a Different System Theme Template. h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u * � � � � ) 2 � � 3" 9" B" L" V" � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $If gd�WY &. Vuexy – Vuejs & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customizable Admin Dashboard Template based on Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap Vue In order to access a method on an Ionic Framework component in Vue, you will need to access the underlying Web Component instance first: Known Issues. r You should experience no data loss in switching the images over. Find solutions in our known issues section. For all commands below, SSH into the Presence Services machine first with root level access. To allow the system to remember password history (so that passwords can�t be re-used), you must again edit the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file. Use a Template. r You can also edit the page template to add headings or instructional text to the background section, or even add rows to the Page Properties macro. To do this use the following: faillog �u craft �M -1 faillog �u sroot �M -1
Remembering password history. ��ࡱ� > �� � � ���� p q r s t u v w x y z { | } � � �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� %` �� R� bjbj"x"x ܜ @ @ �S There are three areas that are covered:
Linux PAM configuration for enhanced password management
Configuration options for changing inactivity timeouts for shell
Customizing SSH warning banners
APPENDIX A � Linux PAM Configuration
This section provides details on how Linux may be configured to ensure stronger password policies for customer accounts on Presence Services solution. The firewall is always on by default. Access to these audit trails or logs is restricted only to root or super user privileged logins. # ls -l /etc/security/opasswd
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Dec 8 06:54 /etc/security/opasswd
In the example above, the system will remember the last 10 passwords for each user, so they can't be reused. With some tweaking, you can easily use this template to document a whole range of electronic, manufacturing or other hard goods, as well as complex processes or service flows. Appendix A provides details on configuring Linux to perform account lockouts for Linux accounts after a certain number of successive failures. Restart the ssh daemon for the configuration changes to take affect, with the following command: 'service sshd restart'
Uncomment �#Banner /some/path� line. The steps to install BE are at @ \ ] ^ _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �������������t����Z�����I� �j h`R� UmH nH u 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� OJ QJ mH nH u �j$ h`R� UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u� " # $ % ; = W X Y [ \ ] ^ _ ` | } ~ � � � � ����Ӹ���Ӆ���t�����Ӹ��ZӅ��� 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u �j h`R� UmH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � : ; = ����µ§����t���c���µ§��I� 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u �j h`R� UmH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u �h�*� mH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u �j h`R� UmH nH u= R S T n o p r s t u v w � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �������ձ�����s�����b��ձ����� �j h`R� UmH nH u 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u h�*� mH nH uh� h�*� 0J mH nH uh�*� OJ QJ mH nH u$j h� h�*� 0J UmH nH u �j h`R� UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u � � � 6 7 8 : ; = > ? ! " It is also strongly recommended to configure the Linux bash shell to log all shell command activity to Linux system logs. It should be noted that the recommendations for forcing password changes on 1st login, forcing periodic password changes and locking out accounts after certain periods of inactivity should not be applied to the Avaya Services accounts (craft and sroot) since Avaya Services already implement a policy for these accounts. Troubleshooting. Afton Phillips - Believer. You can create a template on your own or download one from here. Refer to your
sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. A troubleshooting section which includes technical instructions; A table of contents along with the references of materials; Warranty statements; These are important parts of an instruction manual template. Use template Help customers work through common problems and find solutions on their own by writing troubleshooting articles. This not only makes it easier to document, but to use the documentation later on to enhance your team’s productivity. This provides an audit trail for all shell activity. Our troubleshooting article template gives you the structure you need to articulate the issue, detail the solution, and display related articles (which you can do automatically using labels and the content-by-label macro to keep track of related articles). If changing to a different system theme template allows the client area to load successfully, the issue is in your system theme template itself. Most problems and errors you encounter while using Oxygen can be solved by following the steps in this troubleshooting guide. Home. = Windows and other programs, such as FDISK, use the binary (base 2) numbering system. Use Logic Jump to provide solutions to common problems, Customize this troubleshooting form so it fits your website’s theme, Easily connects with your favorite tools, like Trello and, so you can assign problems to the right people. Repeatedly renumbers the existing pages in the document 2. Service Name Audit Trail SSH (shell)Yes, in /var/log/messagesPresence Server ConfigurationYes, in /var/log/presenceCurrently the services do not perform account lockouts in the event of consecutive failed login attempts. We’ve got templates for all sorts of things, from customer feedback and lead generation forms to digital marketing quizzes. h`R� UmH nH u j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�jq! � � 5 6 D E � � 8 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � gd�WY � gd)?� c d e � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � " ����Ĺ��������w�]��RCR j �h�*� UmH nH u�h�*� mH nH u 2�j For full legal page information, please see the complete document, Avaya Legal Page for Hardware Documentation, Document number 03-600759. � � The Tech Support Manager should develop an Information Technology Troubleshooting Plan, using ITTS104-1 IT TROUBLESHOOTING PLAN as a guide, and submit the Plan to Information Technology Managers for review, comments, and possible revisions. gd�WY " # $ % & ' ( ) * F G H I ^ _ ` z { | } ~ � � � � � � � ����µ§����t���c���µ§��I� 2�j� h�*� h`R� >*B*UmH nH ph � u �jx h`R� UmH nH u h� h�*� 0J mH nH sH u2�j� See Appendix A for recommendations on configuring Linux to enforce a password change policy for cust account.craftsusers YesFor Avaya Technician use At least 6 chars, no dictionary words or palindromes.Will be changed by (Password Change System) PCS periodicallyInternal Unprivileged Linux Accounts
For security reasons, services on the Presence Services machine run as unprivileged Linux users. ���������������µ����������r�c��� h�]� h�� 0J CJ PJ aJ '�j h�*� h`R� CJ PJ UaJ h)?� h�� CJ PJ aJ h�� CJ PJ aJ j h�� CJ PJ UaJ h)?� CJ PJ aJ h)?� h~� CJ PJ aJ h�H h�Q� h�Q� h~� h)?� h~� 5�CJ( aJ( j ��h�Q� h)?� h�3
h�#� h�#� h�Q� j h�Q� U ! By default, the firewall is automatically started when the Bundled system boots up. This value is seconds. And a better experience gets better results. Product Tour. This category should contain all template documentation pages.See < After editing the line should look like Banner /etc/banner
Release 5.2 Issue 1 Decemeber 2009 PAGE 20
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