- S.R.L. Starting At $2,834.00. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. A still further object of the present invention is to provide a bearing and seal assembly for the paddle shaft of a horizontal drum-type mixer in which extended bearing life is obtained by providing an increased separation of the bearings from the seals which insures that more operation time is permitted before the bearings can become contaminated resulting in longer operation time and productivity. item 8 Paint and Mortar Mixer 7 - Paint and Mortar Mixer . Shop with confidence on eBay! It is an employee-owned American company that values its customers and strives to produce the highest quality products. Stow; Model 15, 18, 20, 30 and 40 Mortar and Plaster Mixers, no date. item 9 22.63“ Electric Mortar Mixer 6 Speed W/ Helical Blade For Concrete Drywall Mud 8 - … 2 is an elevational end view of the end of the mixer drum and the bearing and seal assembly of the present invention associated therewith, with the pedestal and trunnion cup removed. More Buying Choices $62.55 (4 new offers) Battat - Cement Mixer Truck with Working Movable Parts and Driver - Toy Trucks for Toddlers 18m+ 4.8 out of 5 stars 273. Pictures show quality & quantity of item. PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEE, 12TH YEAR, LARGE ENTITY (ORIGINAL EVENT CODE: M1553). This arrangement ensures that the abrasive material will not contaminate and cause excessive wear of the bearings 35. The foregoing is considered as illustrative only of the principles of the invention. Bearing replacement on a concrete mixer. Assignors: MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY ON BEHALF OF STONE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, INC. , , PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL PROCESSES OR APPARATUS IN GENERAL, MIXING, e.g. A plaster or mortar mixer embodying a stub shaft mounting assembly for the mixer paddles disposed interiorly of the mixing drum and a reduction gear drive system enabling use of a standard electric motor or universal internal combustion engine with the reduction drive system employing a belt and pulleys, a sprocket chain and sprocket gears and a meshing gear … Bearing for Stone and Toro Brand Mortar and Plaster Mixers with Seals. We are selling the set of mixing paddles for your Stone 655pm (these paddles also fit many other Stone and Toro models). The seal subassembly 12 includes a plurality of flexible seals 54 spaced apart by spacers 56. $7.00. Should be a valid email address. Be sure to have your correct mixer model number and serial ready when locating your parts. This includes four large paddles and two small ones (no hardware included). The provision of the enlarged opening in the bearing and seal housing according to the present invention enables any material that migrates past the seal subassembly to fall through the opening to the ground or other surface area below the bearing and seal assembly. The retaining bolt 38 includes a retaining lock washer 74 with the retaining bolt 38, retaining washer 36 and lock washer securely retaining the bearing subassembly 11 assembled with respect to the paddle shaft 14 and the bearing and seal housing 24 by maintaining the bearing unit 11 against a shoulder 44 forming on the inner end of the recess 30. The removable housing … Getrag Getriebe- Und Zahnradfabrik Hermann Hagenmeyer Gmbh & Cie Kg, STONE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, INC., NEW YORK, ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:VAREL, EDWARD A.;BESWICK, WILLIAM J.;REEL/FRAME:012608/0133;SIGNING DATES FROM 20020214 TO 20020215, ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY ON BEHALF OF STONE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, INC.;REEL/FRAME:028330/0991, PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEE, 12TH YEAR, LARGE ENTITY (ORIGINAL EVENT CODE: M1553), Cover-bearing arrangement and method for mounting an actuator shaft, Drive systems for conveyor-type warewashers and related method, Bearings for rollers in troughs or tanks containing liquid, Bearing and seal assembly for motor mixer, Compressor with a radial bearing for supporting a drive shaft, Horizontal mixer apparatus and method with improved shaft and seal structure, Seal assembly for installation on shafts of mixers for concrete, mortar and similar mixtures, Lubricant retainer for pump shaft bearing assembly, Sealed spherical roller bearing for dragline swing shaft, Mounting means for pick on mining drum vane, Oyster breaker operated by electric motor having bearing seal device, Rotating crusher and operation method of rotatory crusher, Retaining keeper assembly for a hoisting device, Tire size reduction/wire separation system, Screw-type conveyor with resilient bearing means. How to Replace the bearing on the Monolithic Mixer. The prior art also does not utilize a removable bearing and seal housing supporting the bearing and seal subassemblies in a spaced relation with the bottom of the bearing and seal housing in alignment with the space between the bearing and seal subassemblies having a downwardly directed opening. In use of the bearing and seal assemblies disclosed in the above patent, the mixer usually is operated until the seal subassemblies became worn and fail permitting mortar or similar abrasive material to cause wear of the bearings and ultimate seizure of the paddle shaft. A retaining bolt 38 extends through washer 36 and is threaded into an internally threaded bore 40 in the shaft 14 as indicated by reference numeral 42. $106.96 Hipa Air Filter for Honda GX240 GX270 8HP 9HP Engine Air Cleaner Plus Foam Pre Filter Lawn Mower Tiller Parts. If you do not find the parts that you are needing; please fill out this parts request form with your model and serial number … item 7 Toro/Stone Mortar Mixer - Tub Seal 6 - Toro/Stone Mortar Mixer - Tub Seal. Another object of the present invention is to provide a bearing and seal assembly for the paddle shaft of mortar mixers or the like which enables easy removal of the shaft by providing a bolted, removable bearing and seal housings on each end wall of the mixer drum. 0 . Only 20 left in stock - order soon. Keep your mixer running longer by changing worn out blades. A bearing and seal assembly for supporting and sealing end portions of a rotatable paddle shaft in the end walls of a mortar mixer or the like. Stone 22112 Mortar Mixer Rubber Blades for 4 Cubic Feet Mixer. Complete set of rubber mixer blades to fit Stone mortar mixers. Find the Stone Toro Mortar Mixer model you own in the diagram listings shown below. Another very common call we get is for the drum bearings and seals. Add to Cart. Also, bearing and seal housings each including new bearing and seal subassemblies can be stocked as a replacement unit to enable quick field replacement by merely unbolting and pulling the bearing and seal housing with the worn bearings and seals and bolting on a replacement bearing and seal housing which includes new bearing and seal subassemblies. There is no hope of the bearing sliding off the shaft if the shaft has any concrete on it. 1 is a fragmental perspective view of an end portion of a mortar mixer drum, supporting pedestal and trunnion cup and a bearing and seal assembly in accordance with the present invention. The housing attaches with three bolts and contains Stone’s patented quadruple seal and bearing configuration. The foregoing structure of the present invention enables a preassembled cartridge assembly including housing 24, bearing subassembly 11 and seal subassembly 12 to be retained in stock as a unitary assembly so that the entire bearing and seal assembly 10 can be removed and replaced when the quantity of material falling from the vent opening 60 indicates to the mixer operator that the seals 54 have been excessively worn. Replacement can be efficiently accomplished by removing the bearing and seal housing from the end wall of the drum by the puller which then enables replacement of the seal subassembly without having shaft failure due to seizure of the bearings and paddle shaft during a mixing job thereby reducing down time and increasing efficiency. In accordance with the present invention, the bearing and seal housing can be removed from the ends of the shaft, thus making shaft removal much easier and replacement of the seals and bearings done much faster. Often it is a suspicious noise or a significant clearance between the tank and the axis that will make you think of the bearings to change on your concrete mixer. The order of removing the nuts 49, retaining bolt 38 and washer 36, and support trunnion cup 62 is not important so long as they are all removed in order to separate the bearing and seal assembly 10 from the shaft 14 by a conventional bearing puller. 76. Stow Mortar Plaster Stucco Mixer parts MA15H MS45H MS63H MS70H MS93H MS120H Mixer Parts. A replacement seal and bearing assembly for receiving and supporting one end of a paddle shaft extending through an aperture in an end wall of a drum of a mortar mixer which comprises a housing, fasteners removably mounting said housing on said drum end wall, bearing and seal subassemblies laterally spaced in said housing and surrounding said shaft and supporting said shaft from the housing adjacent an end extremity of the shaft, and a trunnion member surrounding and journaling said housing from a support, and said housing and said bearing and seal subassemblies being combined into a unitary assembly for removal and replacement of said unitary assembly with a preassembled unitary assembly. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). The structure of bearing and seal assembly 10 also enables replacement of the bearing and seal subassemblies 11 and 12 in an efficient and effective manner and eliminates seizing of the paddle shaft with respect to the bearings 35 when the bearings becomes contaminated with abrasive material. Whiteman; 7- and 9-cu. A seal and bearing assembly for receiving and supporting one end portion of a driven rotary shaft, which comprises a housing adapted for removable attachment to an end wall of a receptacle through which the driven shaft passes, bearing and seal subassemblies laterally spaced in said housing and forming a unitary assembly surrounding said shaft and supporting the shaft from the housing adjacent an end extremity of the shaft, a trunnion member surrounding and journaling said housing from a support, said housing having an elongated, arcuate slot type vent opening in a bottom portion thereof, said opening being in general alignment with and in communication with a space between the bearing and seal subassemblies to enable material which passes through the seal assembly from the receptacle to fall through said opening. Stone Concrete Mixer Parts. This positive indicator of seal wear enables an increase in operating time and productivity and materially reduces the down time of a mixer in view of the short time necessary to replace worn seals by removing the housing 24 together with bearing and seal subassemblies 11 and 12 and then replacing these components with a new preassembled bearing and seal assembly. U.S. Pat. Find the Stone 855PM Mortar Mixer Parts Parts in the diagram listings shown below. NEED HELP? STONE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, INC., NEW YORK, Free format text: 4.2 out of 5 stars 22. MBW bearings, main shaft drum bearings; Sold in 2-packs; You may also like. PLASTER/MORTAR MIXER MS30H (Steel-Gasoline) MS30E (Steel-Electric) Effective S/N SEC55001 STOW CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PARTS DEPARTMENT: A DIVISION OF MULTIQUIP INC. 800-427-1244 POST OFFICE BOX 6254 FAX: 800-672-7877 CARSON, CALIFORNIA 90749 SERVICE DEPARTMENT/TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: 310-537-3700 • 888 … 120 volt motor Call . 12 cu/ft Gas Stone Mortar Mixer 11HP MM-12511H-S by Toro. The trunnion cup 62 rotatably supports the outer end of housing 24 in order for the drum 16 to pivot to a position with the open upper end 20 downwardly inclined to dump the contents, such as into a conveyance for transport to a site of use of the mixed material in a manner well known in the art. Also, in accordance with the present invention, the bearing and seal subassemblies are oriented in the removable housing in a longitudinally spaced relation. The vent opening allows any material which may migrate past the seals to fall downwardly onto the ground surface or other lower surface area not only to prevent contamination of the bearings but also indicate to a mixer operator that the seals have failed in order that prompt maintenance can be initiated to save the bearings and replace the seals. Find common wear parts like engine hatch latches, axels, wheels and driver belts that can be changed out in just minutes. The ring or shoulder 25 enables a conventional bearing puller to be utilized in removing the bearing subassembly 11 along with the housing 24 and seal subassembly 12 from the paddle shaft 14 after the nuts 49, washers 73, retaining bolt 38, lock washer 74, washer 36, and the support trunnion cup 62 have been removed. The bearing and seal housing 24 is supported by a trunnion cup 62 having a cylindrical portion 64 surrounding and journaling the outer end of the housing 24. Do not hesitate to use a … $65.35 $ 65. Toro Stone 36" PT-36 5.5HP Gas Concrete Power Trowel. By reason of the inward curve of the inner edges of the flexible seals 54, the grease inserted through slot 57 migrates toward the drum 16 and fills up the open spaces between the seals 54 before passing into the drum 16 itself. Get it as soon as Fri, Feb 19. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide extended bearing life of a bearing and seal assembly in a mortar mixer by including an enlarged vent opening to atmosphere in the lower portion of the bearing and seal housing in alignment with and in communication with an increased space between the bearing and seal subassemblies. The bearing subassembly 11 is in the form of a sealed ball bearing unit having an outer race 32 engaging the recess 30, an inner race 34 engaged with the periphery of the paddle shaft 14 at an outer end thereof, and a series of ball bearings 35, as well known in the ball bearing art. The prior U.S. patents cited in the specification of the above patent and the prior art cited in the âreferences citedâ section of the above patent also disclose various bearing and seal structures for various rotatable components including seals for use in mixers. This structure further enables the mixer to continue in operation until the operator of the mixer is informed regarding the condition of the seals 54 by observing material falling downwardly from the vent opening 60. This arrangement proved extremely difficult and often resulted in the shaft having to be cut and replaced, especially in those circumstances where the paddle shaft and bearings seized due to contamination of the bearings by abrasive material migrating past the seal subassembly. Removal of the bearing and seal housings from the end walls of the drum results in substantial reduction in labor and time inasmuch as replacement of the bearing and seal assemblies can be accomplished much faster with substantial savings in repair costs, and the shaft does not have to be destroyed by cutting and removing the seized bearings and shaft which frequently becomes necessary when the mixer is operated until the shaft and bearing seize. DISSOLVING, EMULSIFYING, DISPERSING, Mixers with rotary stirring devices in fixed receptacles, i.e. The seal subassembly 12 is mounted in a recess 28 in the end of the housing 24 which faces and engages the end wall 18. The bearing subassembly 11 is supported in a cylindrical recess or bore 30 in the outer end of housing 24. Get $10 off your next purchase. As such, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation shown and described, and, accordingly, all suitable modifications and equivalents may be resorted to, falling within the scope of the invention. Also, in describing the preferred embodiment, specific terminology will be resorted to for the sake of clarity. Back to Top . Prior commercial mortar mixers with rotating paddle shafts also include some paddle shaft bearing and seal assemblies in which the housings are removable.
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