The main species that can be found is Shorea curtisii (Meranti seraya), Dipterocarpus (Keruing) and other species of Meranti 5) Jungle Dipterocarpa Pamah (Lowland Dipterocarp) Description: The forest is located at a height of not more than 300 meters a.p.l and has a … with help from "Molecular database for classifying Shorea species (Dipterocarpaceae) and techniques for checking the legitimacy of timber and wood products",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 3 April 2020, at 23:35. Shorea astylosa is a species of plant in the Dipterocarpaceae family. S. macrophylla tropical forests. Local communities value this species as a source of timber and fruit (Randi et al. TREE OF THE MONTH (PART 2) YAKAL Shorea astylosa Foxw. CALL US: 629-214-9322. (Shorea contorta), red lauan (Shorea negrosensis), yakal (Shorea astylosa), tangile (Shorea polysperma), mayapis (Shorea palosapis) and guijo (Shorea guiso) (Viray, 1992). ; Vol. Branchlets are rather slender, blackish, and slightly hairy. The description was published in McPherson’s Pitcher Plants of the Old World (volume 2). web interface by From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. philippinensis (Brandis) Symington: Manggasinoro: Shorea astylosa Foxw. According to Ashton (1982), specimens from the more seasonal NE Luzon (Shorea falciferoides) have more or less smaller leaves than other Philippine collections (formerly named Shorea gisok). Yakal (scientific name: Shorea astylosa) Yakal is a medium-large tree that is endemic to the Philippines. III. - ENDEMIC Philippine Plants/ Flora & 12 nos. Keywords: Habitat, land characteristics, Shorea macrophylla INTRODUCTION Shorea macrophylla is one of the fastest-growing climax tree species of the genera Shorea (Perumal et al. Ajna Fern It is endemic to the Philippines. The small white flowers are borne in clusters, and the fruit is a five-parted woody capsule that contains squarish, winged seeds. A purposive method was used to select a sampling plot and to place the subplots. A closely related species from other parts of Southeast Asia — Shorea laevis — has also been referred to by wood experts as yakal. Category:Shorea astylosa. Description. It is endemic to the Philippines. The database and code is licensed under a The latter is more or less confined to ridgetops in the everwet areas. ssp. - ENDEMIC Philippine Animals/Fauna. Almon: Shorea assamica Dyer ssp. ADVERTISEMENT ; Published, by their order, under the direction of Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. (4 pages) Collection of 12 nos. This study analyzed the soil’s physical and chemical properties, topography, and microclimate of S. macrophylla’s habitat. Yakal is a medium to large tree about 25 to 30 meters tall. If you have any useful information about this plant, please leave a comment. Shorea astylosa; Shorea contorta; Shorea falciferoides; Shorea guiso; Shorea cf. Shorea astylosa is a species of plant in the family Dipterocarpaceae. Hamiguitan’s slopes. Critically endangered plant species, including the Shorea polysperma and Shorea astylosa trees, and the Paphiopedilum adductum, an orchid variety, are found on Mt. Shorea astylosa 5289.98 mesophyll 0.35 convex acuminate weak dichotomizing poorly developed Shorea polita 3908.98 notophyll 0.70 rounded rounded weak dichotomizing poorly developed Shorea palosapis 12313.8 mesophyll 0.39 truncate to cordate acuminate weak dichotomizing poorly developed Pangasugan). This article presents the results of a vegetation study in primary forest areas of Leyte, in vicinity of the case study site (near Mt. The wood seasons slowly with a high risk of distortion and checking; once dry it is moderately stable in service. The soil in the Apayao area of the Cordillera region is … Apitong (Dipterocarpus grandiflorus), bagtikan (Parashorea plicata), yakal (Shorea astylosa), mayapis (Shorea squamata), tangile (Shorea polysperma) and red lauan (Shorea negrosensis) species commonly used as compression members in timber framed structures, were tested for their critical stress in compression under varied slenderness ratios. This is a complete listing of Shorea species as accepted in Plants of the World Online as of July 2019. The people use this for building houses and for furnish- ings inside their homes. Yakal (Shorea astylosa) © DENR Zamboanga Shorea astylosa is a species of plant in the family Dipterocarpaceae. 2017). Balau Gunong (Shorea astylosa) being classified in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species of #Endangered in 2020. hopeifolia; Shorea palosapis; Shorea polysperma; Vatica mangachapui; Description. Shorea almon Foxw. This is a complete listing of Shorea species as accepted in Plants of the World Online as of July 2019. The description was published in McPherson’s Pitcher Plants of the Old World (volume 2). Apitong, Dipterocarpus grandiflorus - Herbal Medicine - An illustrated compilation of Philippine medicinal plants by Dr Godofredo Umali Stuart with botanical information, chemical … Soil: prefers well drained soils, drier sites, or drier ridges farther inland (Fernando et al., 2008) Associated vegetation: Shorea astylosa, S. falciferoides ssp. Plants of the Coast of Coromandel; selected from drawings and descriptions presented to the hon. Ken Fern, The timber groups classified according to the system proposed by Symington in the early 1940s. Shorea macrophyllais a tree species in Tane' Olen forest area. Leaves simple, alternate or spiral, coriaceous, ovate to lanceolate, 6.5-9cm long, apex acuminate; the base is rounded, glabrous above, and with white pubescence underneath. Yakal (scientific name: Shorea astylosa) Yakal is a medium-large tree that is endemic to the Philippines. - January 23, 2012 - 12:00am . The stout, often twisted bole can be up to 240cm in diameter with stout, prominent buttresses up to 6 metres high and 4 metres outwards The subgeneric classification follows Ashton (2004) and covers only species native to northern Borneo, with some Sri Lankan species added. Data reveals that Pyrrosia lingua was the most abundant species with a frequency of 247 and density of 30.88, while the least abundant was the Nephrolepis exaltata with a frequency of 15 and density of 1.88. Shorea astylosa is a species of plant in the Dipterocarpaceae family. It’s wood is hard wood with the dark brownish-yellow shade. The resinous wood’s color can range from yellow to golden red. Falciferoides and species of Dipterocarpus and Vatica (Weidelt and Banaag, 1982 cited by Fernando et al., 2008) The subgeneric classification follows Ashton (2004) and covers only species native to northern Borneo, with some Sri Lankan species added. It is commonly found in the lowland forests of the islands of Luzon, Negros, Samar, and Mindanao. A closely related species from other parts of Southeast Asia — Shorea laevis — has also been referred to by wood experts as yakal. Yakal is a medium to large tree about 25 to … The subgeneric classification follows Ashton (2004) and covers only species native to northern Borneo, with some Sri Lankan species added. Description of stem form classes ... Yakal Shorea astylosa Dipterocarpaceae Critical . This is a complete listing of Shorea species as accepted in Plants of the World Online as of July 2019. #Dipterocarpaceae It is endemic to the Philippines, which is 12. A list of Endemic + Endangered Plants & Animals in the Philippines with photos and short descriptions. Pyrrosia lingua 91 11.38 . Selangan Batu, Gisok, Belangeran, Empenit Thitya, Teng, Alan, Shorea glauca, Maxwelliana, Shorea seminis, Shorea laevis Native to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, balau is a dense hardwood used mainly for heavy construction. rumphianum and Syzygium spp. also dominated the area.
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