“posit[s] for prehistory [a] type of long-term development that we do not observe in documented history” and is therefore unacceptable. The Multiregional Continuity model emphasizes the importance of gene flow across population boundaries and upholds that separate species of humanity never arose. (1994). Wiley-Blackwell. It is, however, evident that a date for PIE preceding 4,000 BCE is hard to substantiate without assuming long-term immutability of language, a claim that I have challenged above. Yet in addition to being factually erroneous, Alinei’s claim that languages remain stable except when contact and hybridization cause change is also internally inconsistent: if Europe was blanketed by a stable and immutable Proto-Indo-European language for millennia, what could cause its sudden change and diversification into daughter languages and ultimately into some 400 modern languages? 舊石器連續理論 ( 英语 : Paleolithic Continuity Theory ) ,部分学者认为自旧石器时代以来欧洲各地的文明就一直是连续发展的,没有大规模的武力入侵。在旧石器时代之前人类向世界各地迁移的过程中,语言就开始产生了分化。 The Russian word is essentially the same as its Turkic source, indicating a relatively recent borrowing. They have evidence of dwellings of pre-historic man during the Paleolithic era. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy, Language, Thought, Culture: A Reassessment, The Indo-European Controversy: Facts and Fallacies in Historical Linguistics. The one such alternative Indo-European homeland theory that I would like to take a closer look here is the Paleolithic Continuity Theory (PCT) advanced by Mario Alinei in the two-volume book Origini delle Lingue d’Europa (= Origins of the Languages of Europe), published in 1996 and 2000. As I have discussed in my earlier posts, the; About Languages Of The World. Paleolithic continuity theory. Consider, for example, his main claim that, “conservation is the law of language and languages, and change is the exception, being caused not by an alleged ‘biological law of language’, but by major external (ethnic or social) factors, i.e. - Morais, Gabriela (2009). Una forma arcaica di ungherese Etruscan: An Archaic Form of Hungarian 2003, pp. Grenoble, Lenore A. 482 Ringe, Don; Tandy Warnow, and Ann Taylor (2002) Indo-European and Computational Cladististics. This places PIE several millennia earlier than most other estimates, which tie it with the Neolithic period or the Copper Age (Chalcolithic). I made the following changes: by language contacts and hybridization, in concomitance with the major ecological, socio-economic and cultural events that have shaped each area of the globe.”. Francesco Benozzo, Alcune considerazioni sull'aspirazione di /s/ nei dialetti lombardi orientali: per un approfondimento alpino della Paleolithic Continuity Theory, "Quaderni di Semantica" 25, 2004, pp. Unless you have studied Anglo-Saxon, you won't be able to understand it, yet it was composed just 1300 years ago or so. One very widespread example of change caused language-internally is regularization of grammatical patterns. - Menozzi, P. Piazza, A. Paleolithic Continuity is a fringe viewpoint. Alinei, Mario - Benozzo, Francesco (2008c). “What we know of … contemporary linguistic behavior” is that languages change all the time. The Initial Upper Paleolithic is an excellent test case for evaluating different approaches to understanding cultural variation and continuity across broad regions. Endogenous language change (i.e. A group whose material culture and genetic composition have not changed much may adopt a language of different group; copious examples of such language shift throughout human history could be listed. Transactions of the Philological Society 100(1): 59-129. 243-253. It's difficult to describe in a few words the main points of Alinei's paradigm. Aryan Invasion Theory: A Raging Debate. (1988). Darwinism, traditional linguistics and the new Paleolithic Continuity Theory of Language Evolution ‘Language is a social artifact with an interface with nature, which is governed by the law of conservation and changes only exceptionally.’ Language change is … If you would like to receive updates of our newest posts, feel free to do so using any of your favorite methods below: If you have a great product or service you'd like to let our targeted audience know about, you can sponsor the development of this site with your promotion. 200 to 40 kyr o Upper: ca. A very minority current, whose main proponent is linguist Mario Alinei, states that the Indo-European family would have existed in Europe since the Paleolithic. According to this theory, which historically represents the first claim of uninterrupted continuity of a European people from Paleolithic, Uralic people must belong to the populations of Homo sapiens sapiens coming from Africa, who occupied mid-eastern Europe in Paleolithic glacial times (fig. OIT is similar to European "Anti-Invasionst theory" and "Paleolithic continuity theory", it has even less to do with recently constructed PIE language by … We would love to have you back on Languages Of The World in the future. According to Alinei, the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) was spoken in Europe in the Upper Paleolithic period, which lasted till about 10,000 years ago. BECOMING HUMAN (Feb. 8) EMERGENCE OF MODERN HUMANS Pleistocene Epoch o ice-age glaciations o ca. Place the following events in the evolution of modern humans in the correct chronological order, starting with the one that happened first. This theory claims an uninterrupted continuity of Uralic populations and languages from Paleolithic: Uralic people would belong to the heirs of Homo sapiens sapiens coming from Africa, they would have occupied mid-eastern Europe in Paleolithic glacial times, and during the deglaciation of Northern Europe, in Mesolithic, would have followed the retreating icecap, eventually settling in their present … This underscores a larger problem with Alinei’s proposal: he does not engage with any linguistic evidence brought up to support the Steppe theory or even the Anatolian hypothesis. There are several deep flaws with this claim. Language Contact. Linguistic and Biological Diversity Overlap—But Why? For instance, some of the irregular plurals of Old English have been replaced by regular s-plurals, so bēk as the irregular plural of bōk ‘book’ has been replaced by books (the changes to the vowels are due to the Great Vowel Shift). Yet a number of other hypotheses have been put forward by historical linguists, as well as scholars in various other disciplines: the Armenian hypothesis of Vyacheslav Ivanov and Tomaz Gamkrelidze, Marek Zvelebil’s “broader homeland theory”, Koenraad Elst’s Out of India theory, and others. The Paleolithic Continuity Theory (PCT) is a controversial hypothesis regarding cultural and linguistic developments in prehistoric Europe. There is wide inconsistency in theory and practice, and the procedures differ from place to place. A summary of Alinei’s claims is published online. This theory claims an uninterrupted continuity of Uralic populations and languages from Paleolithic: Uralic people would belong to the heirs of Homo sapiens sapiens coming from Africa, they would have occupied mid-eastern Europe in Paleolithic glacial times, and during the deglaciation of Northern Europe, in Mesolithic, would have followed the retreating icecap, eventually settling in their present … Moreover, “language contact and hybridization”—while being an important factor in language change—are not its sole cause. Further arguments challenging such an early date for the PIE—concerning the rate of change, the relative uniformity of ‘horse’ and ‘wheel’ words across Indo-European, and more—are discussed in great detail in The Indo-European Controversy: Facts and Fallacies in Historical Linguistics and my earlier posts, so I will not repeat them here. Alinei, Mario - Benozzo, Francesco (2006). Pp. The Paleolithic Continuity Theory, since 2010 relabelled as a "paradigm", as in Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm or PCP), i. Ammerman, Albert J. FRINGE THEORIES Neolithic creolisation hypothesis, Paleolithic Continuity Theory, and the Out of India hypothesis . Exploring The Rich Diversity Of Human Languages. Another problem with the above-cited quote from Alinei’s website concerns his presumed cause of language change: “language contacts and hybridization, in concomitance with the major ecological, socio-economic and cultural events that have shaped each area of the globe”. For example, Lenore Grenoble and Julia McAnallen have argued that a number of phenomena in the Russian grammar, such as the prevalence of the “be” possessives rather than the “have”-possessives (i.e. In his online summary, Alinei describes the PCT in opposition to “The traditional model: the Indo-European Chalcolithic Invasion” and “Renfrew’s Model: the IE Neolithic Dispersal”, thus implicitly confirming that these are the two strongest competitors in the PIE homeland “intellectual war”. PhD dissertation, UC Berkeley. Paleolithic Continuity Theory Coming now to the final, and for linguistics the most important part of my contribution, I will give a few examples of how the rich linguistic record produced by IE scholarship in the last one and half century can be read in the light of the new Paleolithic Continuity That was until last summer, when I came across, quite by chance, the Paleolithic Continuity Theory (PCT, or simply CT), put forward by the Italian dialectologist Mario Aline i. I was impressed by what I read on the web page of the CT workgroup. Are Languages of “Primitive Peoples” Primitive. The Multiregional Hypothesis model of human evolution (abbreviated MRE and known alternatively as Regional Continuity or Polycentric model) argues that our earliest hominid ancestors (specifically Homo erectus) evolved in Africa and then radiated out into the world.Based on paleoanthropological data rather than genetic evidence, the theory says that after H. erectus arrived in … Harpending, Henry C. - Eller, Elise (2008). 2. Focusing exclusively on the vocabulary at the expense of grammar and equating languages with their words is a frequent yet inexcusable error. Frazão, Fernanda. 1.8 myr to 10 kyr Paleolithic Period o Lower: ca. - Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi L. (1984). Alinei, Mario - Benozzo, Francesco (2008d). Please take a moment to review my edit. What is the most difficult language to learn — and why? - Menozzi, P. - Mountain, J. One objection is that such Turkic words are found not in all Indo-European languages but, as Alinei readily admits, only in those of the Slavic branch. That is the premise of the new and still controversial Paleolithic Continuity Theory of Indo-European. As I have discussed in my earlier posts, the Steppe (Kurgan) and Anatolian hypotheses of Indo-European homeland remain the strongest contenders (the Balkano-Carpathian theory is another stronger candidate, to which I am hoping to dedicate a separate post in the future). THE PALEOLITHIC CONTINUITY THEORY ON INDO-EUROPEAN ORIGINS: AN INTRODUCTION By Mario Alinei 1 The two theories on the origins of Indo-Europeans preceding the PCT 1.1 The traditional Indo-European Calcholithic Invasion Theory As is known, until recently the … There is not a single documented example of a natural, living human language that has not changed at all in the last 100 years, let alone in the course of millennia, as Alinei presupposes. Alinei, Mario - Benozzo, Francesco (2008a). 2002: 60). Copyright © 2021 LanguagesOfTheWorld.info. Many of Alinei’s arguments are based on cultural frontiers and population genetic; however, as Martin Lewis and I have argued in The Indo-European Controversy: Facts and Fallacies in Historical Linguistics, evidence from archeological and genetic studies can provide only indirect indications about the PIE homeland at best. I have just modified one external link on Paleolithic Continuity Theory. Etruscan and Paleolithic Continuity Theory: Linguistic study of Etruscan as Uralic substrate with Türkic overlay : Introduction. paleolithic era in a sentence - Use "paleolithic era" in a sentence 1. Francesco Benozzo, Review of Mario Alinei, Origini … Just pick up a copy of Beowulf in its original "English" version. First, it is in direct contradiction to the Uniformitarian Principle, formulated by Donald Ringe and colleagues as follows: “we can constrain our hypotheses about the structure and history of languages of the past only by reference to what we know of contemporary language structures, linguistic behavior and changes in progress, since the recoverable information about any language or speech community of the past is always far more limited than what we can known about languages whose native speakers we can still observe […] Positing for any time in the past any structure or development inconsistent with what is known from modern work on living languages is unacceptable, and positing for prehistory any type of long-term development that we do not observe in documented history is likewise unacceptable…” (Ringe et al. A similar argument is made in Anthony (2007). To stress that this alternative explanation is on the right track, consider one such horse-related Turkic word that penetrated into Slavic: homut ‘horse collar’. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information. change from within) is common, and explanations along these lines are always to be considered as alternatives to contact-induced change. (2010) Contact and the Development of the Slavic Languages. While no one can deny that language change happens, Alinei tries to bury it as an insignificant, marginal phenomena, contrary to observed facts. On the contrary, contact-induced language change is difficult to prove conclusively, especially if one examines grammatical rather than lexical aspects of language. McAnallen, Julia (2011) The History of Predicative Possession in Slavic: Internal Development vs. 舊石器時代延續性理論 ( 英语 : Paleolithic Continuity Theory ) 原始印歐民族祖源地 ( 英语 : Proto-Indo-European homeland ) 波羅的祖源地; 本土雅利安人 ( 英语 : Indigenous Aryans ) At present, the adherents of this theory seem to be primarily concerned with marshaling arguments in favor of the long-term stability of the languages and cultures of Europe. - Piazza, A. Alinei, Mario - Benozzo, Francesco (2009). Further attempts also include the Botai culture and the cultural horizon of the Kurgan cultures (see : Paleolithic Continuity Theory). The Fast-Disappearing Ninilchik Russian of... Are Indo-Europeans “Untraceable”?—A Response to Jean-Paul Demoule, Ancient DNA and the Indo-European Question, Yet Again, Disentangling “The Tangled Roots of English”, Global Patterns in Health Infrastructure and Personnel Distribution, The Geography of Happiness—According to Twitter. Therefore, the central claim of the PCT, that of “antiquity and stability of language and languages”, in the words of Ringe et al. Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. What possibly could it be in contact with? Map of Neolithic Europe 2 f2.3 Paleolithic Continuity Theory = indigenism (Alinei, Ballester, Cavazza, Costa, Häusler, Otte, Poghirc) A few years after the publication of Renfrew’s book two archaeologists and three linguists, all independently from one another, presented an alternative theory of IE origins, which is similar to the Uralic continuity, in that it claims uninterrupted continuity from Paleolithic also for IE … 581-597. Instead, Alinei attempts to discredit his competitors by calling their key claims “alleged”, “extraordinary” and the like. The Paleolithic Continuity Theory (or PCT, Italian La teoria della continuità ), since 2010 relabelled as a " paradigm ", as in Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm or PCP ), is a hypothesis suggesting that the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) can be traced back to the Upper Paleolithic, several millennia earlier than the Chalcolithic or at the most Neolithic estimates in other scenarios of Proto-Indo-European origins. The Handbook of Language Contact. The one such alternative Indo-European homeland theory that I would like to take a closer look here is the Paleolithic Continuity Theory (PCT) advanced by Mario Alinei in the two-volume book Origini delle Lingue d’Europa (= Origins of the Languages of Europe), published in 1996 and 2000. The continuity theory posits that some interbreeding occurred between Neanderthals and modern Homo sapiens, meaning that some Neanderthal genes survive in Europeans. This suggests a very old continuity. Paleolithic Continuity Theory: Assumptions and Problems.Apr 2, 2015 by Asya Pereltsvaig. Alinei, Mario - Benozzo, Francesco (2007). But not all such irregular plurals have been regularized: thus, we still have foot/feet and tooth/teeth—because enough small children acquiring English at the time were exposed to form like feet and teeth to keep them alive but few had heard of beek, and so the regular pattern of plural formation kicked in. Antyesti or Hindu funeral rites, sometimes referred as Antim Sanskar, is an important Sanskara, sacrament of Hindu society.Extensive texts of such rites are available, particularly in the Garuda Purana. First of all, while “major ecological, socio-economic and cultural events” may have affected the lexicons of various languages, there is no evidence whatsoever that such factors play a direct role in the grammatical patterning of languages. Alinei, Mario - Benozzo, Francesco (2008b). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Mario Alinei Etrusco. : o Multiregional Evolution o Candelabra Theory o Gene Flow Population Replacement Theory, a.k.a. 2 myr to 200 kyr o Middle: ca. An alternative explanation for these Turkic words in Slavic (and in fact predominantly in East Slavic, but not in other Slavic branches) is easy to come by: these are much later borrowings, from the historical period. A summary of Alinei’s claims is published online. The Paleolithic Continuity Theory since 2010 relabelled as a “ paradigm “, as in Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm or PCP), is a hypothesis suggesting that the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) can be traced back to the Upper Paleolithic, several millennia earlier. In: Raymond Hickey (ed.) Here, I will mention just one example that Alinei uses to buttress his claim that Kurgan culture is to be associated not with PIE but with Proto-Turkic, from which PIE has borrowed those words (consequently, Proto-Turkic must have been spoken during the Paleolithic period not far from the PIE zone). Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. Burkitt, Miles - Childe, Gordon V. (1932). Anthony, David W. (2007) The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World. پیوندها به این صفحه; تغییرات مرتبط; بارگذاری پرونده; صفحههای ویژه; پیوند پایدار; اطلاعات صفحه The Paleolithic Continuity Theory (or PCT, Italian La teoria della continuità ), since 2010 relabelled as the Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm (or PCP ), is a hypothesis suggesting that the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) can be traced back to the Upper Paleolithic, several millennia earlier than the Chalcolithic or at the most Neolithic estimates in other scenarios of Proto-Indo-European origins. ‘to me is sister’ rather than ‘I have a sister’) or the lack of present-tense copula (literally ‘I student’ rather than ‘I am student’), resulted from influences of Finnic languages, yet alternative explanations have been proposed as well, as discussed in my earlier post. A Guide to the Perplexed: How to Identify Pseudo-Linguistic Articles in the Media. The Paleolithic Continuity Theory (or PCT; Italian: La teoria della continuità), since 2010 relabelled as a "paradigm", as in Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm or PCP), is a hypothesis suggesting that the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) can be traced back to the Upper Paleolithic, several millennia earlier than the Chalcolithic or at the most Neolithic estimates in other scenarios of Proto-Indo-European origins. 40 to 10 kyr Homo sapiens (anatomically modern humans) Regional Continuity Theory, a.k.a. Simply put, neither bones and pottery shards nor genes speak. Yet, Slavic languages did not become diversified from the rest of the Indo-European family until at least 7 millennia after the supposed borrowing happened. It is the only totally intact cave network from the Paleolithic era. Although Alinei’s actual linguistic arguments and examples are few and far in between, a detailed consideration of all of them would go beyond the scope of this post. Is the Georgian language related to Basque, another European “outlier”? In opposition to mainstream views on European prehistory, proponents of PCT claim that the appearance of Indo-Europeans coincides with the first regional settlement of Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the Middle/Upper Paleolithic.
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