This collection of activity sheets will teach your students how to parse sentences and find corroborating information in order to define unknown words. contributed by Kathy Glass. to improve physical fitness or to manage a handicap or disability. How to use preoccupied in a sentence. See more. 7 Strategies For Using Context Clues In Reading. Context definition, the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect: You have misinterpreted my remark because you took it out of context. pretextual meaning: 1. done or used as a pretext (= a pretended reason for doing something that is used to hide the…. We often ask students to use context clues to figure out a word’s meaning. In addition to the great context clues worksheets on this page, check out this free context clues game that I made. Words can have multiple meanings, so being able to infer the correct definition from context is a valuable reading comprehension skill. Students learn hundreds of challenging vocabulary words while playing a fun climbing game. context, in Context How to use preoccupation in a sentence. That makes it is our job as teachers to formally teach how authors use them. How to use context in a sentence. [L. exercitus , trained, drilled] A physical or mental activity performed to maintain, restore, or increase normal capacity. Preoccupied definition is - previously applied to another group and unavailable for use in a new sense —used of a biological generic or specific name. Context clues are more commonly found in nonfiction texts than in fiction, although they are sometimes found in children's literature, often with the goal of building readers' vocabulary. In context definition: If something is seen in context or if it is put into context , it is considered together... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples I used the context clues worksheets on this page to help my students in the classroom. PRE: (ek'ser-siz?) Learn more. Use the context clues to determine the word’s meaning. Preoccupation definition is - an act of preoccupying : the state of being preoccupied. Synonym Discussion of preoccupied. Use the context clue technique we discussed above to better understand the meaning of the words and ultimately what you are reading. Pretexting definition is - the practice of presenting oneself as someone else in order to obtain private information. Physical exercise involves activities that maintain or increase muscle tone and strength, esp. Preemptive rights give a shareholder the right to buy additional shares of a new issue in order to maintain the size of an ownership stake in the company. Context definition is - the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning.

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