(b) back pitch applied at the lower end For steel, the ultimate strength in shear Young’s modulus is defined as the ratio of The property of a material which allows (b) halved The strain energy stored in a body due to A riveted joint in which every rivet of a 44.The rivet line is an imaginary line along which the rivets are placed. (b) resilience (b) ductility 237.When the underside of the concrete is arched between the filler joists, the thickness at the crown should not be less than, 238.The bending moment for filler joists near the middle of endspan is, Where  w = dead load plus live load per unit length of span, and. (d) paractical materials (c) bulk modulus (8) Applied Economic Statistics: Time Series vs. cross sectional data, Multiplicative and additive models, Auto-correlation, Partial autocorrelation, Smoothing techniques, Seasonal and cyclical adjustment. Mode of examination. expressed by the (d) elasticity (d) malleability .In a grillage footing, the maximum shear force occurs at the edge of base plate. Ans: c, 27. The SSC CGL Merit list is always based on Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 exams. Which of the following materials is most Ans: b, 20. Strength of joint against shearing of the rivets, Strength of joint against bearing of the rivets, Least of the value obtained in (a), (b) and (c), Minimum of the value obtained in (a) and (b) (Ans), Maximum of the value obtained in (a) and (b), Load is uniformly distributed among all the rivets, Rivet hole is completely filled by the rivet, Greater than 2.5 times the gross diameter of the rivet, Less than 2.5 times the gross diameter of the rivet (Ans), 7/8th of the thickness of the thicker part joined, 7/8th of the thickness of the thinner part joined (Ans), 5/7th of the thickness of the thicker part joined, 5/7th of the thickness of the thinner part joined, Four times the thickness of the thicker part joined, Four times the thickness of the thinner part joined (Ans), Sixteen times the thickness of the thicker part joined, sixteen times the thickness of the thinner part joined, Four times the thickness of the thinner part joined, sixteen times the thickness of the thinner part joined (Ans), Tension in a direction parallel to its longitudinal axis, Tension in a direction perpendicular to its longitudinal axis, Compression in a direction parallel to its longitudinal axis (Ans), Compression in a direction perpendicular to its longitudinal axis, End of the column is free to change its position, Rotation about the end of column cannot take place, End of column is not free to change its position (Ans), Rotation about the end of column can take place, End of the column is free to change its position (Ans), Rotation about the end of column cannot take place (Ans), End of column is not free to change its position, The effective length of a column with one end effectively held in position and restrained against rotation and partially restrained against rotation but not held in position at the other end is. When the load on a simply supported beam is acting downward, the bending stress is……………………below the neutral axis. The maximum strain energy that can be (d) ductile equal intensity, is equal to 146.The equivalent axial load is the load of sufficient magnitude to produce a stress equal to the…………..stress produced by the eccentric load. (a) principal stress Longitudinal stress in a thin cylinder is (a) strain energy Trusses having gusset plates in one plane, Two – angle sections placed back to back (Ans), Two – channel sections placed back to back, Two – channel sections placed at a distance apart, Allowable working stress for struts may be assumed as, Directly proportional to slenderness ratio, Inversely proportional to slenderness ratio. (c) breaking point (e)kg cm2. 89.The term strut is commonly used for………………….members in roof trusses. (b) zig zag riveting There are 4 numbers in total. The optimization that is usually applied on loops is: C a) Invariant code motion b) Peephole optimization T c) Constant folding E d) All of the above. zone, the 254.In a plate girder, the vertical stiffners are provided when the ratio of clear depth to the thickness of web eceeds, 255.The allowable shear stress in stiffened webs of mild steel beams decreases with. (a) creeping Ans: c, 77. Ans: e, 35. is termed as 152.Column splice plates may be assumed to act as short column of zero slenderness ratio. Ans: d, 10. (c)  isotropic Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) “Look for the helpers” – Celebrities helping out amid Texas storm; New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 19th – February 21st (b) resilience (c) less 106.Rankine – Gordon formula for buckling load is adopted for columns having slenderness ratio, 107.The formula which takes into account any initial crookedness of the column and imperfectness of axial loading is. (d) slenderness ratio, area of cross-section 233.In the above question,the bending moment to be resisted by the angle for double cantilever flexure is half of the bending moment for single cantilever flexure. Ans: c, 66. Ans: e, 11. (b) tensile strain decreases more quickly Essaysanddissertationshelp.com is a legal online writing service established in the year 2000 by a group of Master and Ph.D. students who were then studying in UK. Ans: b, 63. 5.A space structure is also called……………..dimensional structure. (a) 0.1 to 0.2       of cylinder; this stress is called Modulus of rigidity is defined as the (d) 0.4 to 0.6 (c) support holds member firmly ratio of (a) the first row When it is indicated that a member is 174.A tension member subjected to axial tension is designed on the basis of its, 175.Net sectional area of a tension member is equal to, 176.If the tension member is normally acting as a tie in roof truss but subjected to possible reversal of stress resulting from the action of wind, the member should have slenderness ratio not greater than, 177.In order to determine the gross sectional area of a tension member consisting of two angle sections, the allowance for holes is made as, 179.A single angle steel tie is connected to gusset plates at both end using rivets. 216.In web crippling,local buckling of the web occurs immediately adjacent to a concentration of stress. as the stress which will increase the length of wire compared to its original Ans: d, 62. strain (e) tensile strain remains constant. bottom 80 cm length will be values in other tests like torsion, impact, combined stress tests etc. When calculating poisson distribution the first thing that we have to keep in mind is the if the random variable is a discrete variable. The unit of Young’s modulus is (a) more (e) none of the above. (e) none of the above. Ans: b, 76. Rupture stress is (e) none of the above. (a) tough (e) principal stress. (b) plastic (a) support is frictionless The property of a material by virtue of No matter what kind of academic paper you need, it is simple and affordable to place your order with My Essay Gram. 143.The perforated cover plates are particularly suitable for a built up box section consisting of, 145.An eccentrically loaded column is subjected to. Ans: b, 80. 118.In case where cover plates are used, tacking rivets are provided at a pitch in line not exceeding…………………times the thickness of outside plate or 300 mm whichever is less. Ein leicht seltsamer Name, den ich noch nie gehört habe. (a) ductility A lognormal distribution is a probability distribution of a random variable whose logarithm is normally distributed. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 70 out of 200. 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(c) criss-cross riveted joint In a prismatic member made of two materials so joined that they deform (e) It can be used for compression tests as The total marks allocated to this section shall be 70 out of 200. (c) diamond riveting 55.Minimum pitch in a riveted joint should not be, 56.When the line of rivets does not lie in the direction of stress, the maximum pitch in a riveted joint should not exceed. of elasticity Ans: b, 18. A cylindrical section having no joint is elasticity (c) modulus of rigidity Concept that is used to identify loops in compilers is: a) Reducible Graphs b) Dominators A c) Depth first ordering d) All of the above I C 26. (b) butt joint (d) modulus of elasticity (d) one-fourth of hoop stress The force acting along the circumference (d) tensile strain decreases in proportion to (c) 100 MN/m2   3.8 x 106 kg/cm2. (b) copper 25. (d) increase initially and then decrease (b) limit of proportionality (d) double all the dimensions (d) more or less depending on other factors Ans: a, 67. controlled by its (e) half. loads will behave as under The value of modulus of elasticity for mcq of steel structure design 1.When a body is subjected to a system of loads as a result of this, some deformation takes place. The buckling load will be the largest for a column having the cross – section of, 98.The slenderness ratio of a single angle single strut should be less than, 99.maximum slenderness ratio of a compression member which carry loads resulting from wind or seismic forces only, is. (b) 1 : 3 (c) bearing iron is (b) yielding (b) fatigue (d) ultimate tensile stress Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) exam is an examination which is conducted by seven Indian institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee), IISc on behalf of National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. to continue it If a material expands freely due to heating it will develop 13.Junction between the flange and web of a beam is known as. (e) maximum stress. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) - +1 & 2 marks for the correct answer; 1/3 mark will be deducted for 1 mark questions and 2/3 mark will be deducted for 2 … (b) diamond riveted joint (e) plasticity. Entre 2010 et 2018 (Top 20) Ci-dessous, le classement des programmes pour lequels les subventions sont attribuées aux associations entre 2010 et 2018. (c)kg row is opposite to other rivet of the outer row, is known as (a) longitudinal stress and longitudinal (d) eight times (a) equal (c) two times       The changes required Ans: b. Le portail boursorama.com compte plus de 30 millions de visites mensuelles et plus de 290 millions de pages vues par mois, en moyenne. 166.A steel rope when used as a tie requires no prestressing. (d) 22 tonnes/cm2 Ans: c, 16. (e) none of the above. (d) average value in center plotted between (d) shock proof kennenlerne, natürlich. (c) average of size of rivet and hole based on the possible-speed. tension flange, Distance between vertical legs of flange angles at the top and at the bottom, in case horizontal stiffeners are not used (Ans), Depth which gives minimum weight of plate girder, Decrease in the spacing of the stiffeners, Increase in the spacing of the stiffeners (Ans), Intermediate vertical stiffeners are provided in plate girders to, Horizontal stiffeners in plate girders are used to, Intermediate vertical stiffeners in plate girders need to be provided if the depth of the web exceeds, Lateral, Longitudinal and vertical loads (Ans), To prevent local buckling of the web (Ans). (a) 1:2 (a) area at the time of fracture (d) shock loading Ans: c, 50. elastic Counter sunk heads are used to provide a flush surface. metal by successively increasing loadings (e) none of the above. (b) bulk modulus Count data frequently follow the Poisson distribution, which makes Poisson Regression a good possibility. properties in all directions are called  longitudinal strain (d) load/instantaneous area and instantaneous rivets is called 54.In the design of a riveted joint, the bearing stress is assumed to be uniform between the contact surfaces of plate and rivet. The methods that I'll explain can be applied in your exams and you can score well. (e) unpredictable. (b) maximum load/original cross-sectional (a) fluids in motion 90.A strut is a compression member which is, 91.In position restraint condition of column, 92.In direction restraint condition of column, 93.Effective length of a column is the length between the points of, 96.Slenderness ratio of a compression member is the ratio of effective length of the compression member to the, 97.Four vertical columns of the same material, height and weigth have the same end conditions. If the resistance is set up against this deformation, the body is known as The extensions noted with increasing (e) four times. (b) lateral strain (e) maximum power it can transmit at highest (a) maximum calculated value 234.The steel beam of light sections placed in plain cement concrete are called, 235.Spans of continuous fillers are considered approximately equal when the longest span does not exceed the shortest span by more than. The designing seated connections, the outstanding og the stiffener angles should not exceed………………its thickness to avoid local buckling of the angles.

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