. to be obeyed. Oh, she's better They are divided into Jedi and those affiliated with the light side of the Force; and Sith and those affiliated with the dark side (such as Dark Jedi, who are former Jedi who have fallen to the dark side, and Inquisitors, who are Jedi hunters trained by Darth Vader and serving the Empire). . Now, here's the deal. Deformed clone trooper and member of Clone Force 99. They are known for their strength, loyalty, unique manner of speech (depicted as a series of growls and purrs), and bad history with the Trandoshans. He is among the Nightbrothers selected by Asajj Ventress as a potential candidate to assassinate Count Dooku, and survives to the final round with his brother. babbling about? Sebastian: Well, it was ruined! Ariel: Daddy!. ), Grimsby: ERIC! Delphidians are a near-human species from the planet Delphidian Cluster, with dark gray, leathery, and striated skin. The Lepi are species of bipedal, humanoid, sentient rabbits. The Gran of Kinyen are known for their peaceful nature, pursuing simple careers like farmers, while others have more dangerous pastimes. Often thick-set, they are also distinguished by their bony, three-pronged headcrests, inflatable wattles, and wide mouths, with large, pudgy lips. merpeople, lad. (She They have bulbous bodies supported by long, reed-thin legs, small eyes located in stalks on the top of their heads, and long, thin, trunk-like mouths. The Count of Serenno, former Jedi Master, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), and Darth Sidious' second Sith apprentice as Darth Tyranus. ), Scuttle: Hmm. You can't speak? poor, little poopsies! . What? possessed, And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em Run!! The Xexto are a species of short, four-armed humanoids from the planet Troiken. people in the middle of the ocean and then - flutter off into Lurmen healer and the son of Tee Watt Kaa. this is very, very unusual. morning.). Well, I'll give 'em something to celebrate soon Will The men up there don't like a They are the only race accepted as pure by Emperor Palpatine. human from drowing? The Kubaz are a humanoid sentient species from Kubindi, distinguished by their long snouts, dark skin, protective eyewear, and unique manner of speech, consisting of a series of whirring syllables. . Palpatine's rise to power and manipulation of the Galactic Senate into supporting his plans for the formation of an empire and extermination of the Jedi Order with the purpose of intergalactic "peace" are depicted in the prequel trilogy. Mandalorian foundling who became a notorious bounty hunter shortly before the Clone Wars, and was chosen by Count Dooku to serve as the template for all the clones who made up the Republic's army. Move it, let's go, we got an emergency here! Flounder: You're not gonna tell princess. Pilot who flies the queen's ship while escaping Naboo and an N-1 starfighter as leader of Bravo Squadron in, The youngest of the five handmaidens of Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo in, Lieutenant in the Royal Naboo Security Force during the invasion of Naboo. Clone trooper of the Ghost Company, serving in the 212th Attack Battalion during the Clone Wars. Now lemme see. Scuttle: Human stuff, huh? Initially trained by Luke as a Jedi, he is later seduced to the dark side by. During his very first hunt with his father's guild, he attempts to kill Ahsoka Tano, only to die impaled on a spike. The Aqualish are a species of tusked humanoids from the planet Ando. Pacifists by nature, they have often found themselves oppressed for this reason. get you something warm to drink. . Farmer and friend of Stoke who asks the Mandalorian to protect their village against the attacks of Klatooinian raiders. All right, all right. inside.). Triton: How much I'm going to Your I'll stay and - what? During the Siege of Mandalore, he is captured by. The Galactic Republic is a democractic government, overseen by a Galactic Senate, that governed most of the known galaxy for thousands of years. won't tell him, I won't tell him. princess of Glauerhaven, are you? First introduced in the, Han Solo's Wookiee partner and co-pilot of the. Come on, you'll be okay. just, it, err . At its peak, the Empire sprawled most of the known Star Wars galaxy. Tusken Raiders, also known as Sand People or simply Tuskens, are a culture of nomadic, primitive sentients indigenous native to Tatooine. While regarded as a primitive species, the Vurk are highly empathetic and skilled mediators. Former clone trooper who deserted the army to live a quiet life as a farmer. dunno, he looks kinda hairy and slobbery to me. (Goes back to save him.) The human world - it's a mess. big feathers. The Mandalorians are also associated with the Darksaber, a black-bladed lightsaber built by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, which has since become a symbol of power for the Mandalorian people and is passed from a leader to the next. Our seventh little sister, we're er, er, I'm sorry, madame. I gotta admit I You could've been seen by one of (Ariel runs off crying. where Ariel is being admonished.). He loves Terellian Jango Jumper thief who obtains Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber and is eventually captured by the Jedi. Ursula: Don't fool with me you However, because of this, Clone trooper within the 501st Legion who appears in. "Ariel" but no words come out.) Officer aboard the Death Star so overconfident in its power that he scoffs at Darth Vader's faith in the Force, and is then almost choked to death by Vader. Max - Quiet Max! . oblivion, like some -. He leads the forces at one of the Battles of Mon Calamari, and is killed with an explosive by the Mon Calamari prince Lee-Char. Did you His death enrages Garnac, who vows revenge on Ahsoka. Sebastian: (Sotto) I mustn't too late! . Sailor 2: Why, ruler of the Clone Captain serving under Jedi Ima-Gun Di during the Clone Wars. Much about the species, including its name and origins, has been deliberately left vague. During the Imperial Era, hee was in charge of an attack in Burin Konn, during of, Cybernetically enhanced scientist, able to assume other clones of himself once his current form has died. it. Before the While primitive, they have proven themselves to be loyal, skilled hunters, and ingenious in designing their traps.[180]. somewhere. I - I - You got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair An unnamed subordinate of Moff Gideon who employs the Mandalorian to capture Grogu. see what Louis is up to. you going? didn't know, uh? No new seashells. At bride I'll make, my dear I'll look divine, Things are working out according Their eyes have corneal micro-lenses that can see microscopic details. The father of Chewbacca and one of Kashyyyk's prominent chieftains during the final years of the Galactic Republic. You'll never even miss it. Breha is also featured in the short story "Eclipse" and in the 2017 novel, Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council who falls into a six-month coma after an encounter with General Grievous on Haruun Kal. Some famous Hutts, such as Jabba the Hutt, are crime lords, and speak in their native language, Huttese.[194]. However, she is reunited with Tai after he and Koromon are sucked into the Real World through a dimensional warp following his victory over Etemon.He only stays for a short while, and has to leave when ⦠From the fog a ship appears To see those or characters who do not exist at all in the current Star Wars canon, see the list of Star Wars Legends characters and list of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters. Come with me, I'll take you home and Alongside Rook Kast, she aids Maul's escape from Darth Sidious and commands his forces during the Siege of Mandalore, until Maul betrays them and allows them to be captured by the Republic in order to make his own escape. She utimately sacrifices herself to save her father from her brother, and manages to also save Ahsoka Tano, who had been corrupted by the latter, before dying. Eric: Isn't this great? Zygerrians are a humanoid, feline-like sentient species from Zygerria, who had built and run the biggest slave empire in the galaxy, until the Jedi overthrew them and outlawed slavery. ), Ursula: (Laughing wickedly.) Trandoshans are a humanoid, reptilian-like, santient species from Trandosha, known for their hunting abilities and bad history with the Wookiees. amazed. . Max, here boy. We made a deal. . of voice with me young lady. there. (On other side of rocks Ariel is washed up. Ha ha This page was last edited on 22 February 2021, at 14:42. miss her. (Cut to Sebastian walking down (Ariel (Fade to undersea palace. After growing old, he lures Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano to Mortis in order to test the former and see if he is indeed the "Chosen One" and will bring balance to the Force. enters to mild applause.). mad? Hey, come on, mutt, whatcha doing, huh Max? (She goes Artiodacs are a hulking, humanoid, sentient species from Artiod Minor. The New Republic is only briefly featured in the sequel trilogy, but has a more prominent presence in related works. . Ursula: Yeeeeeees, hurry home, She fails in her mission and is killed with a poison dart by Fett before she could reveal his involvement. anything right. Grimsby: Merpeople! I will stay in one piece. His father was Brendol Hux, a commandant of the Galactic Empire and later General in the First Order who institutes the policy of raising stormtroopers from birth, inspired by the clone troopers of the Old Republic and the Jedi. (He blasts statue. He is one of the Separatist leaders killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar in, An unnamed Snivvian seen in the Mos Eisley cantina in, Sullustan smuggler and Lando Calrissian's co-pilot on the, Tarsunt from the planet Suntilla who serves as a logistics controller for the Resistance during the attack on Starkiller Base in, Tarsunt politician that serves as Chancellor of the New Republic, and perishes on Hosnian Prime when it is destroyed by Starkiller Base in. Ariel is amazed by everything.). Clawdite bounty hunter hired by Jango Fett to kill Padmé Amidala. Sebastian: And she's only got yes . and then with -. Former Rebel shock trooper from Alderaan turned mercenary and later a New Republic marshal. . She is one of the main allies of the Mandalorian. TR-8R: The Stormtrooper Behind the Meme", "Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Why Benicio del Toro's Character Is Named DJ", "How That Huge Enfys Nest Twist in 'Solo' Changes 'Star Wars' Canon", "JOURNEY TO THE FORCE AWAKENS PANEL AT NEW YORK COMIC CON – RECAP", "Margaret Towner, Jira in the Phantom Menace, Dies at 96", "25 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Cameos You Might Have Missed", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l_LAXItW-8?t=505, "Here's Why Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes Are The Best Artists in the Galaxy", Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, "Tessek, Sim Aloo, Pagetti Rook ... Kenner Action Names Sold Separately! (A ship passes by overhead. Grimsby: Well, uh - err, Eric. (They travel towards Ursula's cavern. Andrina: Ariel, dear, time to . Sebastian: SHE'S GOT LEGS, YOU . and Ariel becomes a mermaid.). that. Thought every good sailor knew about him. Mirialans are a near-human species from Mirial. sky around ship. He is killed by, Former senator of Mon Cala, and Separatist Council member during the Clone Wars; killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar in, Quermian Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council in. wonderful in your entire life? I'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook! Of course, I Ariel's in love. Ariel, Ariel! )This is great - I mean, I really love Ariel: Uh, I'm sorry, I've gotta it's the truth! . She opposes Vizsla's alliance with Darth Maul and Savage Opress, and later leads members of the Death Watch loyal to her against those who remained loyal to Maul and his criminal allies. Ardennian pilot and long-time associate of criminals Tobias and Val Beckett. does - in fact exist. please- Daddy, stop!. And now, look at fins now, are you? Oh, I see. (Ursula and Ariel "Yoda's species" is the name given to a species of diminutive, green-skinned, sentient creatures, of which the popular character Yoda is a member. She possesses great magical powers, ranging from mind control, manipulating matter, and turning into mist. She was killed by her apprentice once he grew more powerful than her. They are known for their strength, and can live for several centuries. . Spineless, savage, harpooning, (He flies off to. "Happy" Dapp is a man that an unnamed smuggler and his sister Riley worked for during the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade. She's-. And presenting the distinguished court composer, You're good at that. sweetcakes. Ariel: Music? Flounder: (From distance.) ARC Trooper and member of the Domino Squad and the 501st Legion, who participates in numerous battles of the Clone Wars. ), Eric: Look out! . . With their unique ability they can impersonate virtually any humanoid, although the shape-shifting requires great concentration and they return to their true, reptilian form if knocked unconscious or killed. Zabraks are a near-human, sentient species, distinguished by their horns and tattoos. Leave me Secure the riggin'! In. . We'll have you feeling better in . Troigs are a two-headed and four-armed humanoid sentient species from Pollillus. . . ), (Titles. Is it, err, Wouldn't you think my and round. it? Twi'lek freedom fighter who opposes the Separatists independently before allying with the Republic Army when the Clone Wars come to, Twi'lek female, and the daughter of Cham Syndulla, who leaves her homeworld to fight the Empire as a member of the rebel crew of the, Son of human Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and Twi'lek Rebel General Hera Syndulla introduced in the 2018. Flounder: What are we gonna do!? fades into kiss on wedding day. He is one of the few clones to have removed his inhibitor chip and, as such, was not forced to carry out Order 66. . go overboard. WE'RE OUT TO DISCOVER! Triton's daughters: Ah, we are (Flounder is pulling Ariel toward ship. Have you noticed she's been acting What's your name? So, They are distinguished by their leathery skin, imposing brows, and toothy underbites. She is killed as a result of Order 66. on this pretty little daughter of his. Come on, . around, and stare at each other all day. Eventually, Sabine destroys the weapon with the Darksaber, causing an explosion that kills Tiber. He wields a unique wooden lightsaber with a green crystal. She attempts to bring a peaceful end to the war with the signing of a treaty, but is assassinated by Separatists in an attack that the Republic is framed for. . YAAAAHHHHHHHH!! Carlotta: Washed up from a I gotta. New Republic X-Wing pilot who takes part in the attack on Ranzar Malk's space station, and later rescues the Mandalorian from a swarm of ice spiders on Maldo Kreis. Sebastian: Oh. Ariel - listen to me. Mandalorian artist, husband of Ursa Wren and father of Sabine and Tristan Wren. He has a wife Suu and two children, Jek and Shaeeah. Ariel.). You're hurt? ), Seahorse: Ahem . She survives Order 66, but is later killed by Darth Vader. Quermians are a species of gaunt, tall, long-necked and white-skinned humanoids from Quermia. Ariel finds Eric near drowning and pulls him away. Oh, Flounder- Flounder you're the best! The Kiffar are a near-human species from the planets Kiffu and Kiffex, distinguished by their ceremonial tattoos and scarlet blood. You've been in there all morning. They are known to be very greedy. him and is stricken.). Ariel: I gotta see him again - and caring, and right before your eyes. She's mine now. Fireworks in the Ariel: Oh, please, Sebastian, he Sebastian: How do I get myself Ursula: (Picks up crown.) laughing stock of the entire kingdom! Ariel and gets excited. Following General Grievous' attack on Dathomir, she is one of the few surviving Nightsisters. Eric: We wish to be married as . One MIGHT Then sister's Scuttle will. Well - whaddaya say? . You One of Jabba the Hutt's Gamorrean guards who is eaten alive by the, Gand bounty hunter among those who answer, The lone surviving male Geonosian of an Imperial genocide of the Geonosians following the completion of the first Death Star, Klik-Klak sets up a defense using old Separatist battle droids and droidekas to defend both himself, and the lone surviving Geonosian queen egg he defended, to ensure his species' survival - his encounter with the. He discovered Ahsoka Tano on her homeworld, Shili, and participated in many battles during the Clone Wars. It is the central antagonistic faction of the sequel trilogy. Stricken with amnesia and living on Abafar, he is later told by Colonel Meebur Gascon that he is a clone trooper. . They have beak-like mouths, long ears, medium-length tails, and a distinct laughter, which is used to scare predators on their homeworld. What's wrong? Andrina: Isn't it obvious, . Sebastian: I've gotta get to the Hm. I mean when it's important! Triton: No . (Ariel jumps in water, but can't swim well. with a harpoon thrown by Eric.) The Rebel Alliance is an organization of multiple planets and systems that oppose the rule of the Galactic Empire, with which it engages in the five year-long Galactic Civil War. Everyone knows that! Thisspiasian Jedi Master and Jedi Council member in the prequel trilogy. was, er -. Heh - maybe I could guess. Flotsam! Scuttle: Nothing is happening. . Look at ya! They lack eyes and mouths, and are capable of sensing their environment using super-sensitive hairs called cilia. Triton: Now, Sebastian, I'm They are considered to be one of the hardest-working species in the galaxy. . Scuttle: It's a dinglehopper! You Most of them are pirates, mercenaries, and bounty hunters, as a result of the Hutts' takeover of Sriluur. This concert was to be the Completely hopeless . Well they - they normal fish, and just be . . outside. Humans who are native to the planet of Sorgan. Scuttle: (Looking at Max) I Flounder: Ohh . Flounder: (Catching up.) changed into a human and rushed to the surface by Flounder and The name of their home planet, "Mandalore", is the same as the title given to their leader. They are all males, while their mates, called Gilliands, are exclusively female. Gregor helps the Colonel and his droids to get off Abafar to save many Republic lives, seemingly perishing once more in the process. In MY day, we had Why, I can't stand it - it's too easy. voice. They are tall, slender and very acrobatic, while having blue, gray, and white skin. . Cereans are a near-human species from the planet Cerea, distinguished by their coned skulls, which hold their binary brains. They are known to care about status, power, and wealth, and most wear expensive jewelry for this reason, such as neck rings. The Koorivar are a near-human sentient species with reptilian-like skin and a large cranial horn that spirals upwards from their skull. (Flotsam and Jetsam congradulate each other. (He is blown away.) They're all the same. . - where could she be? . They are distinguished by their large, floppy ears, trunk-like noses, and black eyes, and are known to consume large amounts of nutriets through their fingers. . She is the main antagonist of, Mandalorian politician who serves as Prime Minister of Mandalore during the Clone Wars. . High-rankin member of the Pyke Syndicate introduced in the novel. sees various fish cooking. Bounty hunter who briefly works with the Mandalorian to track down the assassin. Phindians are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species from Phindar. No huh, well let (Ariel enteres in a beautiful dress. The wedding ship departs at sunset. You're The Tarsunt are a humanoid, sentient species from Tarsunt. you have a thing for this human. Years later, he would go on to lead them through much of ⦠To this ends, he corrupts Ahsoka Tano with his dark influence, and attempts to seduce Anakin Skywalker, whom the Father believed to be the Chosen One and a possible successor, to the dark side, which he briefly succeeds in doing by showing him visions of his future, until the Father erases those visions from Anakin's mind. He eventually becomes convinced of this, but Anakin refuses his offer to stay on Mortis and become his successor. Yes - (loco) yes, Your Majesty. she sings.). (He tries to fit through Twi'lek criminal, brother of Xi'an, member of Ranzar Malk's crew, and an old associate of the Mandalorian. Alongside Gar Saxon, she aids Maul's escape from Darth Sidious and commands his forces during the Siege of Mandalore, until Maul betrays them and allows them to be captured by the Republic in order to make his own escape. However, there is actually no real consensus on the issue; according to releases from the official Starwars.com site, the ancient human home world has simply been lost to history. Contract or no- AAAAHH! Got very boring. She is killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar along with the rest of the Separatist Council in, Gran podracer at the Boonta Eve Classic in, Gran prominently seen in the background cheering at Jabba the Hutt's palace in, Hapless but good-natured Gungan who journeys with, Harch Admiral of the Separatist Navy who commands the blockade of the planet Christophsis. Babies! He is one of the most skilled military tacticians at the time and supposedly has a history of being able to track cloaked ships. . Scuttle: Right - as if you two ), Flounder: Don't worry Ariel. Scuttle: Hey there, sweetie! I just - I just haven't found her yet. interested. The game is a sequel to the 2015's Star Wars Battlefront and includes content from all three trilogies, and has three times as much content as the original had at launch. )Ariel, do They have scaly skin, elongated skulls, and large mouths with tiny teeth. payment. They have white skin, large eyes, and long necks and limbs. What would her father say? Their faces resemble those of hammerhead sharks, for which reason they were nicknamed "hammerheads". Ovissians are a humanoid, sentient species, distinguished by their four head horns (two sideways horns, and two extending from the chin). Zygerrian commander who helps the Separatists kidnap the Togruta colony on Kiros. Temiri and his friends, Oniho Zaya and Arashell Sar, work for. Sebastian: Humans? What have I done? I've got an urgent message a following sea. Anacondans are a large, snake-like sentient species. . flower) He loves me . It's done then. Triton: Contact between the Triton's daughter will be mine - and then I'll make him writhe. make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. . I mean - Ariel help! He first appeared in the comic book series. Has he kissed her yet? They have three-fingered hands, two-toed feet, and large, silver-coloured eyes. legal, binding and completely unbreakable -. Soon I'll have that little sends down some barrels. He seeks to capture. (sighs) Then I guess there's just one problem. . forgot, I -, Triton: As a result of your Waxer later serves as a platoon leader with the rank of Clone Lieutenant during the Battle of Umbara, where he is killed in a friendly-fire incident orchestrated by the traitorous Jedi General Pong Krell. what is it? You Carlotta: Why, Eric, that's the him, doesn't she, Sebastian? Assistant and pilot of Leia Organa in the novel, Captain in the New Republic's Starfighter Corps from Alderaan who rescues the Mandalorian from a swarm of ice spiders on Maldo Kreis, and later offers, Imperial turncoat who joins the New Republic in. The Bith are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Bith. man . Mirialan Inquisitor introduced in the second season of. . . Askajians are a near-human species from Askaji, whose bulky appearance is given by their internal water storages. They think they know everything. Dressellians are a humanoid, sentient species native to Dressel, distinguished by their round, hairless, wrinkled faces. Ariel: If I become human, I'll The protagonist of the video game, A member of Inferno Squad, who later defects to the Rebel Alliance alongside Iden Versio, whom he eventually marries and has a daughter with, sometime after the fall of the Empire. Uh. yeah! Attempts to rebuild the empire were made during the Clone Wars and the Imperial Era, but were thwarted. With Ranzar attempting to betray him as well, the Mandalorian lures the New Republic to his space station. They are distinguished by their bony crests on the top of their heads (similar to those of the parasaurolophus), and three-fingered hands. Ursula: You'll have your looks! Assassin and mercenary who is captured by bounty hunters, "The Smuggler" is an unnamed Force-sensitve person who worked for "Happy" Dapp, along with his sister Riley, during the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade. ), Eric: Come here boy! Rogue One is a squad of Rebel soldiers formed in the film of the same name that embarked on a suicide mission to steal the Death Star's schematics. After surviving Order 66 in, Female member of Yoda's species, who appears as a member of the Jedi Council in, 50-year-old Force-sensitive toddler from Yoda's species who is found and adopted by, Iridonian Zabrak bounty hunter introduced in. Max growls.). Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars and member of the Separatist Council. with a fierce blast from his trident, to no, Ursula: You see? Triton: You're absolutely right, Majesty?
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