They live on Mobus and have a tough hide, thereby making them difficult to hunt. They are native to the planet Utapau. After the Massassi had departed from the planet Yavin IV, they left behind a creature known only as The Night Beast to guard and protect their homeworld against anybody who might seek to take it over until they eventually returned. The tauntaun's thick layers of fat and fur provide adequate protection from the cold during the daytime, but it cannot survive exposure to the cold of night. First appears in Return of the Jedi. Beldons grow between 800m and 10 km. The original outbreak occurred on the planet Taris, where they plagued the inhabitants of the Undercity – criminals or their descendants – but they also live on Coruscant. Moufs are medium-sized, solitary creatures that often get together to feed or mate. hide. Add a photo to this gallery These species … They are taller and more muscular than most humanoids. Onaconda Farr served as the well-respected Galactic Senator from Rodia during the Clone Wars and Bolla Ropal was a Rodian Jedi Master during the same period. The poison is not deadly, but it is strong enough to disable most creatures so they do not escape. Banthas can be seen in video games and the movie Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. They live on Tatooine, Geonosis and Wayland. They are very sociable animals, have long sticky tongues to catch prey, and are notorious for their smell. D&D Beyond A similar species is believed to inhabit the planet Gall, in the Outer Rim. Kowakian monkey-lizards are small, hairy creatures with large ears, beaks and tails, and stand approximately two feet (60 cm) tall. One such Dark Side Zeltron, Chantique, broke free of her slave station and became the Magister Impressor of the Mandalorian Crucible. Velker are star fighter shaped creatures found on the planet Bespin. Talortai also have the ability to regenerate any wounds. Their light-sensitive skin cells aid with defense and metabolism. [68], The species' first appearance was in The Empire Strikes Back (1980), although a mounted tauntaun head appears in Return of the Jedi (1983) next to Jabba the Hutt's favorite trophy, the frozen Han Solo. [11], Aiwha are 30 foot long aquatic mammals that somewhat resemble very large mynocks and cetaceans. The stripes also aid in hiding out in the rainforest brush. Their white fur allows wampas to blend-in with Hoth's blinding blizzards, enabling them to catch their prey completely unaware. As a carnivore, it possesses a mouth full of long, sharp teeth that it uses for catching fish. The Nuna are gamebirds from Naboo,[53] who can be seen living around the Lianorm Swamp. Rontos have superb senses of hearing and smell, contrasting their poor vision, which is why they are startled by sudden movements. In the Legends continuity, Thrawn become the leader of the Empire for several years after the Emperor’s death during the Battle of Endor. They are most well known to be employed in the blob races on Umgul. Hutts quickly established themselves as a powerful faction in the galaxy entirely outside the Old Republic. The most famous Bothan intelligence operation informed the Alliance that Emperor Palpatine was personally overseeing the completion of the second Death Star. These water creatures wait to ambush creatures that come to the water to have a drink. The creature is massive, and has two hearts, which makes it difficult to kill. The quadruped mammals are distinguished by their pale skin and long flexible snouts. They pledged themselves to a life of servitude to the Sith. They are pack animals and hunt in packs of 10 to 12, within the pack there are 2 dominant adults, an alpha male, and an alpha female. Wioslea and her Vuvrian brethren stand apart — and in my view, stand taller — sheerly because they don’t. C-3PO passes by a juvenile's skeleton in A New Hope. They are smaller relatives of gualaras. Their excrement is the basis of the narcotic glitterstim. Their coloring varies. It first appeared in the second season of the popular Cartoon Network series The Clone Wars, toward the end of the season. This was the case when C-3PO and R2-D2 crash landed on Tattooine during Episode One: A New Hope. They first emerged on the galactic stage during the Great War between the Sith Empire and the Old Republic. Scyks are reptilian lizards native to Tatooine. Rodians are a reptilian species with large compound eyes, frills, and elongated snouts. 0 comments. Anoobas are scavengers[13] that will occasionally attack large creatures such as rontos and eopies, but most commonly they attack smaller creatures. They are ravenous, deadly predators, eating everything including the opee sea killer and the colo claw fish. (1995). The burrow of a space slug is called a "caysh". They resemble the Krayt Dragons of Tatooine with some distinct astetic differences including its bulkier build and its lack of floppy ears. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Jedi Academy Training Manual Favored by Large Species, the Great Lightsaber produces an oversized Lightsaber blade.The blade of a Great Lightsaber is much longer and thicker than that of a normal Lightsaber, and the handle itself is nearly as long as that of a Double-Bladed Lightsaber.Only Large (Or larger) creatures can use … They feed on mostly insects and rodents and catch prey by sitting stationary in the sand and using their long tongues to catch and wrap around passing animals. [39], Fathiers, or space horses, appears in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In the beginning of Return of the Jedi, Leiha disguises herself as an Ugnuaght bounty hunter. When the plants bloom in the dry season, they provide the draagax with a narcotic that sends them on a berserker frenzy, attacking everything in their path.[14]. 10 Wookies - … All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They are kept as pets. Most claim that its home world is Naboo but it also lives on Kamino. They also primarily aided the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. They appeared in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. There are so many utterly strange alien species in the Star Wars universe, and yet, by and large, most of them make some biological sense…from a certain point of view. Fynocks are avian creatures that can be kept as pets. It is found on the planet Socorro and will also walk on land. They are native to the grasslands of Naboo, where they graze on flowers and grass. Trandoshans are large reptilian humanoids with scaly skin and clawed hands and feet. Kaminoans are tall, long-necked creatures native to the ocean planet of Kamino and are most commonly known for running the famous cloning factories of Kamino, where the Republic's clone army was created. They lead nomadic lives scavenging the dessert for salvageable technology and sell them to Tattooine’s other sentient settlers. They are extremely temperamental and often attack without warning. ISBN 0-553-09302-9. Some specimens have been known to reach 10 m (32.8 ft) in length. [42], Sando aqua monsters are 200 m (656 ft) long aquatic mammals from Naboo. It has six legs, which are positioned along its flexible spine to provide a highly maneuverable frame. Rainbow gems are long-living silicon-based lifeforms that live on Gallinore. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hssiss, or dark side dragons are large, dark gray, reptilian creatures that originated on Stenness. Also, all the species on this list are sentient-- not creatures. Ugja are solitary creatures, native to the planet Cholganna. Similarly, the different tattoos that adorned Zabraks’ faces could signify rites of passage or clan of origin, among other things. They are relatively solitary creatures, with thick hides, and covered in spikes and horns. Cherfers are aggressive, quadrupedal, herd animals from the planet Elom. Other Rodian hunters have been much more effective such as Hulas, who became Overseer of the GenoHaradan during Revan’s time. Most of the Zabrak characters seen in Star Wars are dauntless warriors of some kind. Shyracks are very dangerous pests, that often attack intruders in flocks. Their society was separated into rigid caste systems and they constructed vast hives within the spires of the landscape to house their living spaces and industry. They also forage for underwater plants. Lyleks are also known for crawling into inhabited caves and threatening city dwellers. It also let them raise large droid armies to wage their wars for them. Many Jedi have fallen to the dark side on their quest to rid the galaxy of these abominations. Fueled by his hate, Maul survived being cut in half by Kenobi and returned to antagonize the Jedi for many years. The Tatooine Nuna is mostly non-aggressive and as a result is farmed in large numbers by local hunters. Staga are used as herd animals on the planet Ambria. Their bite delivers a combination poison and neurotoxin to their victim, which is then used as an incubator for up to 20 eggs. They are useful as guards because they are nearly immune to blaster fire. Kaminoans are an exceptionally tall humanoid species native to the remote watery planet of Kamino. Zakkeg are tough, and are a good challenge for Mandalorians. Eggs and sperm are released into the atmosphere and drift freely until random fertilization. Commonly seen as Jedi pets or companions, their hides are resistant to lightsabers. Sort by. Lava fleas are a species of hard shelled arthropod. Colo Claw Fish are immense underwater carnivores that dwell in the porous caverns of the Naboo core,[41] appearing in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. This article is a stub about a species or race. [61] They were covered in thick, shaggy white fur and possessed four eyes and a small proboscis. Five thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, a lost Sith vessel crash landed on the planet. In The Mandalorian chapter 9, the Mandalorian uses tusken to speak with them. Lyleks are tall beasts that are protected by a thick exoskeleton. They carry disease.[14]. [24] The porgs' voices were created through a mixture of sounds from turkeys, chickens, and doves.[24]. A mynock is a leathery-looking silicon-based organism that grows up to 1.6 m (5.25 ft) long, with a wingspan of up to 1.25 m (4.1 ft), and that feeds on electrical energy. Ancient Rodian society saw clans warring and preying on each other until a global dictator emerged with the title of Grand Protector of Rodia. For example: A massive K'lor Slug[citation needed] is found on Taris. Tach are harmless monkey-like creatures that inhabit the Shadowlands on the planet Kashyyyk. They look like exotic birds with snake tails. Akk dogs, sometimes called Aak dogs, are lizard like creatures the length of a speeder. Humans are native to many different worlds and are characterized by multidimensional complex personalities, that are both individual and unique. Do you agree with our rankings? The Cracian Thumper is a widely used bipedal beast of burden used on human-populated worlds throughout the galaxy. Gladiatorial combat is central to Geonosians. Many of the native Keshiri witnessed this arrival and believed the Sith to be the Skyborn, deities from their own religion. The Coruscani ogre is a large sentient being that wanders the lower levels of Coruscant. She also taught Barriss Offee, another Mirialan female, to become a capable Jedi Knight. Zeltros is one of the most sought after vacation spots in the Galaxy. The Naboo Nuna is socially aggressive, if one is attacked then nearby Nuna will attack the aggressor. These creatures channel the force to enhance their senses and heal themselves.[16]. They possess numbing saliva. Zeltrons are a near human species known throughout the galaxy for their warm red skin tones, empathic, hedonistic culture, and gullibility. One specific subtype of bantha is the Kashyyyk greyclimber, which differs in that the greyclimber has massive cranial bone plates in place of horns; it has also adapted to climbing through the evolution of articulated toes that can grip wroshyr trees. Wookiees are a large hairy humanoid species native to the planet Kashyyyk. [28], The croator, a creature native to Wyndigal II, a planet with extreme ultraviolet radiation exposure, is an asexual, flightless avian-like creature with reflective plumage and an unusually long proboscis, used to inhale tiny fish and insects for food. It catches an animal with its tongue, swallows it, and burps. According to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, they attain approximately two meters in length. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Hutts are a large sentient species of gastropods known throughout the galaxy for their greed. They originated in the swamps of planet Vodran, but can now be found in many watery trash or sewage disposals on any planet in the galaxy, living off of any present organic matter. Female anoobas foster between 3 and 4 cubs per season, they feed them through methods of regurgitation. One is briefly seen in Return of the Jedi outside Jabba's palace. Darth Malak used the Rakatan Star Forge to nearly conquer the Old Republic with the limitless war droids it could supply. They are classically called "Battle Dogs" and are bred in the Cyborrean system for sale on the Galactic Black Market. Some humans like Revan and Anakin Skywalker have walked the paths of Light and Darkness. They are mentioned in the Disney TV show The Mandalorian. They have a second liver and high metabolisms, which let them consume much more alcohol and sweets than most other species. Wampas are a horned, clawed, white-furred, carnivorous species of snow monsters native to the frozen world of Hoth. In Legends, the notorious Black Sun crime syndicate was led by the Falleen Prince Xisor. Neimoidian society in general is grossly materialistic. Geejaws are leathery-winged bird creatures that live on Naboo and the forest moon of Endor. When the Jedi Exiles from the Hundred Years darkness arrived on Korriban, they encountered a fierce red-skinned humanoid race called the Sith. Suubatars are 6 m (19.7 ft) tall, and can travel at an impressive speed on their six muscular legs. Twi’leks are a species known throughout the galaxy for their various skin colors and for their dual prehensile head tentacles. On Endor they are preyed upon by boar-wolves, and are objects of derision in Ewok culture and folk-lore. Roggwarts are large, predatory beasts with long tails, curved horns, and tough thick skin. Colo Claw Fish are Eel-like predators from the waters of the planet Naboo. [70] They are a semi-sentient race of predators standing over 2 m (6.6 ft) in height, subsisting in the cold climate by hunting tauntauns—their primary prey. While hunting, the colo uses chin lures to attract prey, then screams with special organs in its throat to sonically stun prey. Dragon snakes are long, ferocious creatures, native to the swamps of Dagobah and Nal Hutta. An enormous reptilian predator on the planet Gorsh, the Thevaxan marauder can always be heard approaching its prey, being a loud, dimwitted and clumsy beast. [65] Tauntauns are covered with white fur and have downturned horns, four nostrils, and a foul body odor. Their diet is carnivorous, and they use their long tongues to capture prey. Iktochi are banned from most casinos in the galaxy-- many people expect them to use their abilities to lie or cheat. Mon Calamari are an amphibious race with high domed heads, webbed fingers, and large bulbous eyes. These huge and vicious creatures are sometimes fitted with armour plating and special simulators calls "Attack Simulators" for either sparring for duelling. Air shrimps are flying shrimp native to Bespin that float in the upper atmosphere. For the gang from Vault 101, see, Daniel Wallace: "Star Wars - the essential guide to planets and moons", Ballantine Books, Author unknown (date unknown). Fenner's Rocks are harmless, slow-moving creatures that consume lichen, moss and algae. There are two variants: the smaller one is orange and white with two horns; the larger is brown overall with three large horns. They make nests in caves and eat the giant cave spiders. Kimogila (or "kimos") are generally a dark green color with rows of horns running from nose to tail. Their digestive tract contains multiple chambers, in which mineral deposits may become gems known as 'Krayt Dragon Pearls', sold for high prices. One tried to attack a Gungan sub, but didn't lay a claw on it once. Cannoks are small, annoying creatures that have the ability to consume anything, including mechanical components. Terentateks feed on force adepts, and are found where the dark side thrives. He fought alongside his best friend Han Solo and the Rebellion and the Resistance for decades. Gor would devour any unintended guests for the rest of his life, until Gor would be slain by Kit Fisto in episode ten, season one of the Clone Wars series. Ugnaughts are small, humanoid creatures that are seen commonly on Bespin. When woven into a mat, shell spider silk could deflect a vibroblade as well as low-power beams and lasers. They likely originated from the planet Coruscant and developed hyperdrive technology very quickly. [71] Space slugs generally make their habitats in asteroids, where they spend the majority of their lives. A huge, mammoth animal resembling an ape. During the time of the Old Republic and into the Empire era, the Bothans collected extensive information on any one that they suspected could become political opponents. Their bodies resemble rocks and can be stationary for a long time. Minstyngars are insects that live in troops on Kashyyyk and Mimban. [62] It eats anything foolish enough to come near, which it traps by spitting a gluey fluid that becomes silk and entwines it. They had very long sabre-tooth fangs, hence their name, and are also called "Nabooan Tusked Panthers" or Nabooan tusk-cat. Fyrnocks are predatory quadrupeds that live on Anaxes. They are capable mimics, and are often kept as pets. Top Answer. They are protected by thick external skull plates and beaks, reinforced by thick layers of cartilage, and finally covered over all parts of their body except on its head by thick fur. It spends most of its time high above the forest floor. Rong boars are a porcine species found on Mimban. It originated on Vendaxa, but has since adapted to other environments such as Felucia and Geonosis. No one knows what Yoda's species is called-- not in universe or in any canon source. The wandrella's thoughts are primitive, and it often charges at its prey, using its armored belly to quickly move forward. Asked by Wiki User. They appear in Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy games. The greatest Weequay pirate of them all is Hondo Ohnaka, who has become a very popular Weequay since he debuted on The Clone Wars animated series as Star Wars’ very own … Fern bickers are ape-like creatures that live on Kashyyyk. When killed they pump toxins into the host. Dewbacks or Dewback lizards are large reptilian creatures native to Tatooine. Their colors range from green to reddish orange and are about the size of rancors. Along with their tough hide for defense, they are also immune to most Force powers. Krykna are large, pale-white six-legged arachnoid arthropods native to the planet Atollon, large enough to be aggressively dangerous to humans, but repelled by sensor marker technology. The lepi are an omnivorous humanoid species, resembling anthropomorphic rabbits, with large incisors, long ears, lanky frames, and big feet. Dianoga, also known as garbage squids, are large, highly adaptable cephalopods capable of growing up to 10 m (32.8 ft) in length. Most Trandoshans in the galaxy become bounty hunters, slavers, or mercenaries. Their strong jaws have a horny exterior beak that is able to crush thick bones. Orbalisks are barnacle-like creatures, native to the Beast Moon of Dxun. Anoobas have unregulated appetites, and they will gorge until they can no longer move. They are blue and resemble the shape of an eel. Aug 1, 2020 - A guide to the unique sentient species of the Star Wars, Clone Wars and Expanded Universes. While the Republic engaged in a battle against droids on the planet, they tested a new weapon (a type of E.M.P) over the hollow ground concealing the last Zillo Beast in its cave. They are sometimes punctured by thorny Blba trees and eaten by carnivorous snails. Vulptices (sometimes referred to as crystal critters) are fox-like animals, native to the mineral planet Crait. Fambaas are the largest terrestrial herbivores of the Naboo swamp, appearing in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, The Gungan Frontier, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: Battlefront, and Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. They are readily identified by their luxurious red fur, sharp teeth and claws, and hairless, bone-plated tail that ends in wicked barbs. During the Czerka occupation of Kashyyyk, tach were hunted by poachers for their glands, which were used as an additive in brewing a type of strong ale unique to the planet Taris. Ewoks are a diminutive, hairy, primitive species native to the forest moon of Endor, who live in tribal villages nestled in the canopies of Endor’s vast forests. Their underwater cities are housed within vast networks of these bubbles since they could create traversable air pockets. The Blase Tree Goat, as called by the natives who live on Endor, is known galaxy wide as a Choreamnos. This is a list of Star Wars species, containing the names of fictional sentient species from the Star Wars franchise beginning with the letters K to O. There is also a subspecies on Korriban. They reproduce by spitting out a small dart like object that attaches to a living creature and devours it. However, that didn’t stop the Iktochi Male Saesee Tiin from becoming a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council leading up to the Clone Wars. At the end of the tunnel, a Sando Aqua Monster tried to eat the sub but didn't manage it. [1] Luke Skywalker's introduction early in the first movie was rewritten to establish this.[2]. Once they have made their kill, wampas drag the carcasses back to their icy lair, where they suspend them from the ceiling until ready to eat them. They are sometimes punctured by thorny Blba trees and eaten by carnivorous snails. The voxyn race created by the Yuuzhan Vong to hunt and kill Jedi were a hybrid of the vornskr and the Yuuzhan Vong fero. Eopies are 1.75 meter tall herbivores native to the planet Tatooine, appearing in all three prequel movies,[34] (Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and Star Wars Galaxies also feature Eopies). There are quite a lot of humans in the galaxy far, far away. The Asyyyriak lives in the forests of Kashyyyk. The kyren is a small herbivorous insect from Ansion that travels in swarms of up to 150 million individuals. In episode 9, a Krayt Dragon appears in an empty Sarlacc pit.[60]. Storm Beasts are monsters that inhabit Malachor V. The stratt is a large reptilian beast that lives on Coruscant. Kimogila are large, vicious lizards from Lok. They do not have appendages besides their wings and they have large suckers on their face. He was a slave and worked hard to buy his freedom. The taozin is a huge, completely transparent, insect-like beast, endemic to the moon of Va'art. When the Gungans fought a pitch battle against the Trade Federation on the grassy plains of Naboo, their shield withstood heavy bombardment from the Federation’s tanks. They were one of the only species in history to peacefully anticipate their own discovery by Old Republic explorers.
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