American clients, in particular, appreciate a high-gloss finish and often complain when the initial shine fades with use, as is the case with a traditional finish. © 2015 Heritage Natural Finishes, LLC., All rights reserved.•Built with Volusion•Designed by Qetail. No other wood finishes in the market today are doing that. On oil finishes the wax is easily removed to apply another coat of oil by wiping the surface with mineral spirits or turpentine, and then oiling the stock again. Part 1. We are dedicated to the development, sales, and distribution of all-natural, non-toxic penetrating oil finishes for all types of woodwork. Latest. But if you don’t plan on shooting your firearm for a while, consider wax as the best preservative treatment. Produces a lustrous water repellent film that will not rub off like oils. Use either, as and when required. Our wax also has a powerful UVA/UVB blocker that reduces the sun's ability to damage the finish on your stock. The linseed oil will begin to fill in the scratches in the stock. 25 watching. It will be absorbed quite quickly to start with. Do this a few times. Once cool, bottle the mixture. Beyond Stock is a video series where we dive into topics all about guns, shooting, and more. With regular use of the Wonder Wipes, the neck should stay well hydrated. Q I am really confused over stock finishes: lots of my friends talk about the finish on their stocks, most say that an oil finish is best, others say a varnish or lacquer.I was told when I bought my gun that it had an oil finish, but it has now gone very dull and there are lots of pores showing in the wood. The advantage of an oil finish, or one that soaks into the wood rather than a sitting on top of the wood like a varnish, is that repairs to the finish are more easily made transparent to the eye. The type of oil you decide to buy or make will depend on the kind of finish you want to achieve. If you can leave it for a couple of months before you use it, it will be more durable. Since very few gunmakers will share their recipe with you, I’ll share mine. 5 out of 5 stars (6) 6 product ratings - Birchwood Casey Tru Oil For Wooden Gun Stocks Shotgun Rifles. Once waxed, if you need to touch up the tru-oil, wax makes it very difficult to apply/adhere properly. If you are looking for that classic, antique, rich hand-rubbed look on your rifle, than these are the finishes for you! We make top-notch products and pride ourselves in superior personalized service. It will not oxidize and form acid's like natural waxes do. Repeat this process for as long as it takes for a finish to begin to show. Once your finish is complete, leave it to cure for as long as you can. Reviving gun stock shine Find out how the stock was finished in the gun factory. You can buy 100g of alkanet root, chopped and dried from for £3.60 and linseed oil is available in any hardware store. Many stocks will also be impregnated with gun oil in the end-grain areas and this will continue to weep out of the timber if it is not dealt with in the preparation. We recommend using our High Lustre Polymerized Tung Oil formulation as it builds to create a well sealed and durable coating, while maintaining a hand rubbed, “gun stock” finish. I see a lot of eager shooters take their newly oiled gun out on a rainy pheasant shoot the day after it is finished and express disappointment when it goes hazy. Also appropriate for application on other wood products. The oil will naturally fill the grain, when you ‘rub off’, so you don’t need a grain sealer. O ur paste wax is made from the highest quality micro-crystaline wax we could find. Before you start with the finishing oil, however, you need to get the colour right and get the figure to show to its best advantage. when it begins to feel tacky, get a cloth with some more finishing oil on it and use this to ‘rub-off’, that means you are buffing vigorously, in effect forcing the hardened oil into the grain and removing excess from the surface. More The Gun Nuts. From experienced shooters to newbies at the range, you'll find valuable information on gun builds, caliber conversations, tips, and tricks from Dustin and special guests! Customer Service Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm PST, Fridays 9am-3pm PST or order online any time! It depends how absorbent the wood is, but it can take up to six weeks. So every time you call us, you're sure to be able to talk to a real person who's ready to help you with all your wood finishes needs. When your stock is papered-up, you will need to raise the grain by wetting your hand and rubbing a light coat of water over the entire stock, then pass the heat gun over it and dry it off.Then rub it lightly with fine wet & dry paper to remove the fibres that stand up. Features. Stock OilPut the following into a pan and simmer for ten minutes, then allow to cool in the pan:16oz Boiled Linseed Oil *5 tsp Spirit of Turpentine ( tbsp Carnuba Wax ( tsp Venice Turpentine ( Do not leave it unattended as linseed oild can combust unexpectedly! Gun Stock Wax. Then the gunstock oil - again wipe on, leave on for a few seconds, then wipe off. Danish Oil Finish Mixes Oil and Poly. Another coat of linseed oil would dry completely and if it didn't do the job you are wanting could be coated with a film finish with a little cleaning. Moisten a cloth with G96 hi-speed linseed oil and gently rub into the stock in a circular motion. Bottle. You can steam out a dent and rub on an oil finish until you get the shine that matches the rest of the stock, making the repair invisible. Gun stock Wax & Oil Finish wood work Stock Conditioner Hunting Shotgun & Rifle. Do not let an applied oil coat dry hard, if you do, you will have to cut it back, with wire wool or wet and dry, to remove any thick build-up. I'm refinishing a gun stock and it's my first time useing Tung Oil. Simply put the dried root in a jar and pour on linseed oil until it is covered, then put the lid on. All Rights Reserved. I prefer a traditional, ‘soft’ oil finish that sets in the wood, rather than on it. Beyond Stock. The Red Oil colours the wood and enhances the figure. Wax would only make a slight difference, probably about as much as more linseed oil. You really don't need to do the oil/wax treatment all that often. Disclaimer: If the gun you’re considering for refinishing is a collectible, please be advised that any alteration to the originality of the firearm, including refinishing the stock, may decrease the street value of its potential “collectible” status. Still; better than getting cancer! Can/will it screw up the finish if I don't wipe off … *Terabine driers can be used instead of spirit of turpentine, if preferred. The best finish used to be achieved when lead was an ingredient in terabine driers, it has been removed for ‘health and safety’ reasons and the replacement is not quite as good, lacking that unique sheen that lead imparts into finishes. Keep buffing it off and applying more oil over the next few days. This wax contains no finishing oils; making it compatible with all oil based finishes. The mellow shine that you see on old, well-handled guns is produced by years of the oil and friction from the skin, not in a workshop. When i discovered these products I stopped spraying laquers with a gun on my guitars. Disclaimer: If the gun you’re considering for refinishing is a collectible, please be advised that any alteration to the originality of the firearm, including refinishing the stock, may decrease the street value of its potential “collectible” status. If you oil a lacquered stock, none of the oil is absorbed and it tends to remain on the surface in a sticky form for ages. To maintain the finish, just palm in, and buff off, a tiny bit of finishing oil every now and then, especially if the gun has been out in a lot of rain. Mohawk Fill Stick (Fil-Stik) Furniture Cabinet Touch Up Putty Wax Filler Gunstock Walnut/Che… best choice for a gun that will be fired regularly. Danish Oil Finish Mixes Oil and Poly. The oil helps bring out wood’s beauty, while the varnish resin offers somewhat more protection against chemicals, heat, scratches and stains than either oil or wax. Danish oil, often lumped in as an oil finish, is actually a thin oil and varnish mixture. Seals and hardens the wood with a low sheen, London type finish. If you are looking for that classic, antique, rich hand-rubbed look on your rifle, than these are the finishes for you! Some produce a satin sheen, others a harder gloss. Box 97500 Main StreetPhilomath, OR 97370. This wax contains no finishing oils; making it compatible with all oil based finishes. Register your details here for invitations to events and special offers from The Vintage Gun Journal, Vintage Guns Ltd 2021. £19.55. Bottle. CCL GUNSTOCK CONDITIONING OIL -- Homemade by the Clive C. Lemon Family's Secret Recipe--Since 1960 !. Wax will enhance the weather resistance of both wood and metal without harming either material, while simultaneously polishing wooden surfaces to a silky sheen. Repeat Step 2 but with more linseed oil on your cloth. Offers maximum protection against finish cracking from weather and handling. How to make your re-browned barrels blend in. Oil is then applied to the stock – my preference is always Boiled Linseed oil – and once again after a few thin coats, this is cut back again with very fine sanding paper to help fill the grain. Notes: Manufacturer recommends using only a minimal amount, rub lightly and buff if gloss is desired. Notes: Manufacturer recommends using only a minimal amount, rub lightly and buff if gloss is desired. Having stripped and prepared your old gun stock for refinishing, selecting the right oils and applying them correctly is the key to achieving a proper English oil finish, that will look 'right'. The stock should be washed down with a solvent, such as mineral turpentine, to remove any oil or grease from the surface and out of the surface pores of the timber. You will see the dark veins in the figure getting darker and the background a deeper, warmer colour. I know some finishers who use a mixture, with traditional oils building up a finish and then a few coats of Tru-Oil to provide a glossy end result that won’t be so affected the first time the gun gets taken out in the rain. Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish has been the professional's choice for gunstock finishing for more than 30 years. The oil helps bring out wood’s beauty, while the varnish resin offers somewhat more protection against chemicals, heat, scratches and stains than either oil or wax. Enhances and protects the beauty of woods, metals and leather. A traditional gunstock finish is more satisfying if you make the oils yourself. Classic military rifles are a popular purchase for gun aficionados on a budget. During that time it can pick up dust too. A high-quality formula combining protective and beautifying qualities of the finest carnauba, beeswax and silicone. They age with the gun, weather nicely and can be replenished from time to time without the need for stripping. It made them shine but it also caused the stock to stick to my cheek. It is based on an old one, but the ingredients need to move with the times, reflecting what is available. Its unique blend of linseed and other natural oils dries fast, resists water damage, and will not cloud, yellow or crack with age. Hunting. I used some Turtle wax for cars on the stock of a couple of guns. June 7, 2017. Sticky and dusty – not very appealing. You will know when the grain is filled because the surface will be smooth, without any dips where the grain is open. Buy Now @ $ 43.00 -- UPS FREE To U.S.A. --DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL OWNS NORTH AMERICAN IMPORT RIGHTS TO ALL CCL PRODUCTS.. New Subscribers To The Double Gun Journal (@ $45.00) Pay Just $35 With FREE Shipping.To U.S.A.. All Our CCL Items: Get a … Let dry 24 hours and buff with 0000 steel wool. Don’t use gun oil if it was varnished. The only drawback to these old rifles is, well, they're old! Stock oils come in all kinds of special recipes. Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish Gun Stock WAX clean the neck, apply the oil, wait about 2 hours, wipe the neck with dry cloth, apply the wax, leave it on for 1 hour, wipe the neck with another dry cloth. If you have a hard final layer other than tru-oil, wax is probably fine. From the U.S. Army's Springfield Model of 1903, to the Mausers, Enfields, and Mosin-Nagants of Europe, old rifles that still work well can be had for very low prices. Guns. O ur paste wax is made from the highest quality micro-crystaline wax we could find. Not a very pleasant feeling when the gun recoils and rips the skin off of your face. Birchwood Casey Tru Oil For Wooden Gun Stocks Shotgun Rifles. We make the best penetrating oil and wax finishes for your wooden gun stocks. If you are looking for that classic, antique, rich hand-rubbed look on your rifle, than these are the finishes for you! Slippery Dicks Walnut gun stock wax, made from 100% unrefined bees wax and carnauba wax, brings out the grain, i'm a stock re finisher and got tired of all the stuff an the market so i set about making my own and the results are amazing, if you want the high gloss shine then you need to treat your stock with oil first, if you want a satin finish then just apply the wax, also aids as a … It isn’t necessary to use the exterior formulation of our Polymerized Tung Oil as the gunstocks are rarely heavily exposed to the elements and never remain outside exposed to the weather, which … You will need two basic oils: Red Oil and Stock Oil. If you put wax on it then wax is about all you will be able to do from now on. Red Oil. Its unique blend of linseed and other natural oils dries fast, resists water damage, and will not cloud, yellow or crack with age. It says to apply with grain let dry 5-10min and wipe off excess oil. It takes longer to finish a stock this way but I think it is a better job. How to Make a DIY Gun Rack for a Duck-Hunting Canoe. Modern products, like ‘Tru-Oil’, dry shiny and hard. oz. There are some good commercial versions available, including the ‘CCL’ product line and ‘Trade Secrets’ oils, which are widely used in the gun trade. Smokeless and black powder loads for British guns by Thomas Bland. The street value may mean something or nothing to you. It is simple to make. Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish. Residues from firing will build up fast on a waxed gun’s surface and may impact functioning reliability. Mix boiled linseed oil and orange shellac 50/50 and wipe on with a cloth. GUNSTOCK OIL & WAX FINISH: We make the best penetrating oil and wax finishes for your wooden gun stocks. Keep one bottle open and one closed. We look at some old recipes. Welcome to! Then the wax - wipe on, the buff off. Danish oil, often lumped in as an oil finish, is actually a thin oil and varnish mixture. Do this until you fill the grain level and lightly buff and put a coat of floor wax. Features. The traditional ‘slacum’ used at Purdey is not the same mixture that was used at Holland & Holland, for example. Most paste waxes (with the exception of Zymol and Pete's 53) use a petroleum distallate to liquify the carnuba wax. The standard for gun stocks has been an alkyd varnish like True Oil, which does build film thickness much more than Watco. We are a small company with a genuine concern for our customers as well as the environment. Posted by Paul Berner on Jun 5th 2020 I've been using the wax and the Tru-Oil fr the past 5 years. Once smooth, leave it to dry properly and then you can start your finish. All the corect terminology for your sidelock ejector. All you need are two ingredients: alkanet root in dried form and boiled linseed oil. Hello Forum member'sAbout ten year's ago I found a Neat product on the Internet to protect our beloved Blued gun's finish other than Oil it is called Rennisance Wax.It is a crystaline Synthetic based wax that is used in several different applications. Harder finishes scratch and chip and soon look nasty and in need of a total re-finishing.

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