I was warned by an expert, that in a little over two years, the tank would be too small for the altifrons, because at 3 years old they become mature, and need something larger. Diet: Flake or pellet, frozen and live food, Compatibility: Medium schooling fish, similarly sized South American cichlids, catfish, plecos, *****Please review our Shipping and Handling FAQ prior to placing your order. Create an account, To add this product to your wish list you must. For novice aquarists taking their first tentative steps into the world of cichlids, with limited time to devote to maintenance, and soft to moderately hard tap water, I generally recommend species of the genus Geophagus. Te Tail-Light Tetra - Bryconops melanurus: Ko te ingoa o tenei ika ka puta mai i tona tinana mai i te mea e whakaatu ana te rama, mai i te upoko me te hiawero.Kei te taha o te kanohi te rama o te upoko, a ko tetahi atu kei te turanga o te mutunga o te papa. I am wondering what are some good types of fish that would fit best with the clowns. This very colorful and showy fish is also easy to breed. These fish are golden in color with mettalic spots in rows down their sides. Some of them are peaceful fish, while others can literally terrorize the entire tank. S. daemon likes its water quite warm (around 30°C [86°F]) and acidic (pH below 6). There is a large selection of species, in various colors, patterns, and sizes, to choose from. The Redstriped Eartheater requires a tank of 100 gallons or larger with a sandy bottom and flat rocks. Custom Aquarium Setups & Maintenance; Custom Stands and Canopies; About Us; Contact; My Account. Shop our extensive listings for South American cichlids now! G. taeniopareius has interesting coloring and general appearance (due to its relatively elongated body); its dominant body color is yellow. It is a durable and attractive cichlid and is most noteworthy for its propensity to change its coloring during spawning. Albino Threadfin Acara Cichlid (Acarichthys heckelii) A new variety of selectively bred or naturally occurring form of Acaricthys heckelii? FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn The Threadfin is an omnivore that generally feeds from the bottom of the aquarium (but will surface for frozen bloodworms) and should be fed a variety of foods, such as live, prepared, frozen or freeze-dried: brine shrimp, bloodworms, blackworms, krill, flake food, and soft, sinking, Cichlid … 4.5 Acarichthys heckelii, also known as the Threadfin Acara and more recently, the Threadfin Geophagus, is a peaceful species that is commonly found adding action and color to South American Biotope aquariums as well as some of the less aggressive Cichlid tanks. Central and South American cichlids. It contains important information about order fulfillment time, shipping speed, and other pertinent details. Unfortunately, I am faced with some difficult choices here, for in making new purchases, I must consider the fish I already possess. I have two 3 inch Leopard Bushfish (Ctenopoma acutirostre) Which are my favorites. Another disease that they frequently develop is hole in the head (HITH), which is why optimal physical and chemical conditions, including a very low level of metabolites, are essential in their maintenance. They can be treated much like a Geophagus - softer, acidic water is preferred but not required. The Tapajos Red Head is a beautiful & relatively peaceful species that is considered a rare gem in the aquarium hobby. Out of stock. They are quite timid, so some companion fish will be necessary. Some aquarium plants absorb nutriments … There are estimates of over 300 species of cichlids that are found throughout the waters of South America. Wild Surunimis Geophagus exhibit deep red lateral stripes, which fade in captivity. Categories: Freshwater fish, Oddball Community Fish, … Another group of eartheaters that can be recommended for the intermediate-level aquarist (and even some beginners) are those belonging to the genusGuianacara. These fish are relatively forgiving of some neglect on the part of their keeper, such as irregular water changes, and are very resilient as far as water chemistry is concerned. It sometimes happens that you spot an eartheater species that creates a lump in your throat and takes your breath away, so you hasten to buy a group of these fish. Select options Select options Details. Albino geophagus hecklii 2.5” in length. The eartheaters are a highly variable group of South American cichlids. Tiger Oscar Their maintenance is made rather difficult by the necessity to lower the temperature for a period of two to three months. I am an enthusiast of these fish, and like any fanatic, I would like to have them all in my tanks. Outside the wintering period, too, Gymnogeophagus are kept in cooler water than the majority of eartheater species: 20° to 22°C (68° to 72°F) on average. Freshwater Tropical Fish Articles | TFH Magazine, Gymnogeophagus | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine, A Survey of Eartheaters | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. Within it, there are species that barely exceed 10 cm (4 inches), or are even smaller, as well as those measuring almost 30 cm (12 inches) or more. Also, all species of the genus often develop HITH. Acarichthys heckelii 4.5" CB large stunnning grow out 'threadfin acaras' covered with rows of sparkling diamond spots and long fin extentions $40 ea. Another recommended species is G. parnaibae; the blue hue predominates in its coloration. Diet: Omnivore Share. Niki P Greenville , OH I LOVE this fish! Geophagus parnaibae, Geophagus sp. Mikrogeophag… I have looked around and have yet to see a specific post for this topic. If you choose to keep them, the water should be warm (to 30°C [86°F]), acidic, and soft, so once again an RO filter is a must. Provide Geophagus brasiliensis with hiding places made from wood or rocks. An estimated 75 percent of these inhabit the Amazon River Basin. In the difficult category, three species that form the so-called "spotted demonfish group" can surely be included, namely Satanoperca daemon, S. lilith, and S. acuticeps.On account of their required water chemistry (very soft and acidic), an RO filter becomes indispensable in their maintenance. Another fish that I might suggest is the undemanding redhump eartheater (and other species that belong to the G. steindachneri group). The diet of these fish must consist of common vegetable foods, for they often suffer from neotropical bloat. Tank Mate Options: Red Spotted Severum; Threadfin Acara; Turquoise Severum *****Please review our Shipping and Handling FAQ prior to placing your order. A large group of adult, mature fish can look downright dazzling. $25.00 + $55.00 shipping . “red head tapajos,” which is very colorful, has interesting patterning, and is easy to maintain and breed. A reasonable choice for the beginning of your adventure with this group of fish would be those species that show relatively little aggression (that is, outside the mating season) and grow to about 12 cm (5 inches), for instance Geophagus sp. Aug 13, 2017 - Explore Amy Hanak's board "Geophagus" on Pinterest. Another species that needs very large tanks with many hiding places is Acarichthys heckelii. An additional source of enjoyment is their readiness to breed, which means we can witness their interesting family life. All these considerations are very helpful when it comes to choosing a species. Remarks: Threadfin Acara (Acarichthys heckelii) love to dig in the sand and require a sandy substrate for feeding.They can be treated much like a Geophagus - softer, acidic water is preferred but not requiredThey look their best when swimming through driftwood mazes or large Amazon Swords. | Selling quality live freshwater fish shipped to your door. The genus Satanoperca would be suitable here, ideal choices being S. jurupari or S. leucosticta. On normal days it will present a grayish-green body covered with bluish white pearly flecks. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. I hope that this article will help you, at least in some way, make your choice from among the many species of eartheaters. Did you know? You must also decide how much time you can devote to your fish. My geophagus brasiliensis is around 5 inches, the altifrons are only about 2 inches, and the heckelii is around 3 inches. *****, To add this product to your wish list you must They can even be housed with Apistogramma and Angels. These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater South American cichlid aquarium at home Geophagus. Remarks: Threadfin Acara (Acarichthys heckelii) love to dig in the sand and require a sandy substrate for feeding. Threadfin Geophagus native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility. Acarichthys heckelii. The Pearl Cichlid Geophagus brasiliensis has been kept in the South American cichlid aquarium for many years. However, there are a few basic questions to begin with: What is your fishkeeping experience, how big are your tanks, and what kind of tap water do you have? I'm wondering if two 3 inch Threadfin Acaras (Acarichthys heckelii) are a good mix with my other tank mates. They will add intense red coloration and a bit of bling to any aquarium. Another species that needs very large tanks with many hiding places is Acarichthys heckelii. $ 69.99. It has also been introduced to Singapore and is apparently thriving there. The braisiliensis can be somewhat territorial at times but in a 6 foot tank it doesn't effect the other inhabitants too much. Obviously, this translates into frequent water changes (using water of the same physical and chemical parameters). Acarichthys heckelii, also known as the Threadfin Acara and more recently, the Threadfin Geophagus, is a peaceful species that is commonly found adding action and color to South American Biotope aquariums as well as some of the less … Tail-Spot Corydoras - Corydoras caudimaculatus: He pai rawa tenei ika e pai ana i roto i te ika hapori. But it’s not exactly like this since butterfly cichlid can’t be found in Amazon river, but it is widely spread in its basin, in the rivers and streams joining the river. The fish inhabits in the South America and Amazon river is considered to be its motherland. Suitable tank mates are too numerous to list but include most peaceful species enjoying similar environmental conditions. They prefer a gentle water flow with soft to neutral water conditions. In short, you can pick and choose to your heart's content. However, once they have been introduced into your home aquarium, it soon turns out that your chosen fish are too difficult to maintain or simply are incompatible with the other inhabitants of the tank for various reasons. Once again, however, on account of their size (up to 30 cm (11 inches) in length), you will have to provide a large tank with many hiding places. Within this group of cichlids, we can find those that withstand temperatures in the vicinity of 30°C (86°F), while some others periodically require water temperatures not much above 5°C (41°F) for normal development. A worthy challenge for the experienced aquarist would be the beautifully colored and relatively small (from 10 cm to about 12 cm [4 to 5 inches]) species of the genus Gymnogeophagus. Gold Ram - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi - Large. ! You should keep in mind, however, that the adults can be very aggressive at breeding time and will then bully all the other fish in the tank. Native to northern parts of the Amazon basin in Colombia, Peru and Brazil including lower parts of the ríos Putumayo, Trombetas, Negro, Xingu, Tocantins, Capim and Branco River plus the Essequibo drainage in Guyana. The Albino Heckelii Cichlid is relatively peaceful in the tank and will not prey on anything larger than a couple of centimeters in size. At this point, you need to follow your head, not your heart. or Tapajos ‘Red head’ Max Size: 6″common 8″ uncommon Temp: 76-84° F pH 5.5-6.5 KH 2-7. $ 34.99. By Não categorizado 0 Comments Não categorizado 0 Comments Silver Cichlid (Vieja argentea) $ 12.99 $ 9.99. Another eartheater known to be resistant to disease and relatively undemanding as far as physical and chemical water parameters go is G. brasiliensis. However, when guarding their young, they can be agressive as most cichlids are. See more ideas about aquarium fish, cichlids, fish tank. A member of the family Cichlidae, it can grow up to 22.5 cm (8.9 in) in standard length. Albino geophagus heckelii. If you happen to have at your disposal a large tank of a few hundred liters, you can try your hand at keeping some even bigger species, those that exceed 20 cm (8 inches) in length, namely G. proximus, G. altifrons, and G. surinamensis. Novelties from this genus regularly appear in the aquarium trade, such as new color variations and new species not yet scientifically described. Shop our extensive listings for South American cichlids now! S. lilith and S. daemon can easily exceed 30 cm (11 inches). Known only from the rio Pindaré in Maranhão state, north-eastern Brazil which drains into the Baía de São Marcos (St. Mark’s Bay) along with the rios Mearim, of which it is sometimes considered a tributary, and Grajaú. If you happen to live in a climate zone where the winter temperatures range from 5° to about 12°C (41° to 54°F), you can try keeping these eartheaters in a pond. The large number of eartheater genera, as well as the variety of species within each genus, can be a source of confusion. Albino geophagus heckelii 2” Geophagus are some of my favorite fish great semi aggressive fish good with angel fish to oscars large variety of tank mates. If you are a seasoned fishkeeper with much more time and money (to cover the costs of RO water, the fish themselves, and frequent water changes), you can really take the plunge. Another challenge is the necessity to provide really big tanks with numerous hiding places. Suitable tank mates are too numerous to list but include most peaceful species enjoying similar environmental … Geophagus altifrons for sale (Rio Xingu) online with expedited shipping. Unless, of course, I decide to set up yet another tank! Water quality is the essential factor in their maintenance; nitrogen compounds should be undetectable with aquarium tests. Remember Me. The Clown Loach is an awesome fish and i soon will have a tank over 6 feet long that I can house a few. For those of you with more fishkeeping experience, there are some moderately difficult eartheater species to choose from. The Bolivian Ram is a good tank mate. Heckelii Albino. Geophagus are some of my favorite fish great semi aggressive fish good with angel fish to oscars large variety of tank mates. Earlier its scientific name was Paplilochromis ramirezi and Apistogramma ramirezi, but in 1998 it was renamed into Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. Albino geophagus heckelii. Unfortunately, if you choose to keep them, a tank of 400 to 500 liters (100 to 130 gallons) is the absolute minimum for a group of six adult specimens. These Red and White Albino Threadfin Acara or Threadfin Eartheater are vibrantly colored variant, displaying red eyes and with a white body which increases with age, especially on males. They look their best when swimming through driftwood mazes or large Amazon Swords. Description Threadfin Geophagus (Acarichthys heckelii) Quick Care Facts Care Level: Moderate Temperament: Semi-Aggressive Maximum Size: 10" Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons Water Conditions: 78-86° F, pH 5.5-7.5, KH 2-7 Diet: Omnivore Origin: South America Family: Cichlidae Species: Geophagus Aquarium Type: Cichlid-New-World Species Information Acarichthys heckelii… A hydroponic or denitrifying filter can also serve as a possiblesolution. Yet another species of the genus (that is somewhat larger than the previous one) that I can honestly recommend for the beginner is G. abalios. Acarichthys heckelii, also known as the Threadfin Acara and more recently, the Threadfin Geophagus, is a … They will provide you with a real feast of colors. If you choose to keep them, the water should be warm (to 30°C [86°F]), acidic, and soft, so once again an RO filter is a must. This is why you should try to be cool-headed and approach the purchase with some detachment. Sign In That is, try your hand at keeping some of the more demanding species, with more stringent requirements when it comes to water quality, diet, and aquarium size. This is done to replicate the environment in their natural range—primarily Uruguay, where in winter the temperature can drop to just a few degrees above zero. Other representatives of the more demanding eartheater species are members of the genus Biotodoma (which grow to about 12 cm [5 inches]). Discus, Angelfish, Dwarf Cichlids, and more. The same goes for peat, through which the water should be filtered. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi was first described in 1948. Amazon River: South American Cichlids – Acaras, Dwarf and Eartheaters. They are not choosy with regard to either food or physical and chemical water parameters, the only downside being the considerable aggression shown by adult males, for which the only remedy appears to be providing numerous hiding places and a large number of dither fish in the tank. Scientific Name: Acarichthys heckelii. Bought by aqua-fish.net from jjphoto.dk. all new, all different avengers vol 2. Out of stock. The rear of the tank should have caves made from stones and roots, and the edges of the tank should be decorated with hardy, potted plants. A wide range of eartheaters are available in the hobby, and while some remain relatively small and are not too aggressive, others can grow into giant brutes that will kill anything in their path, so it is imperative to know which one is right for you. ©2020 TFH Magazine, a Central Garden & Pet Company. I had 6 Geo altifrons in a 150 gal with Guianacara sp, Meshoheroes and ornatum. Another easy species that has very attractive markings on its body and is suitable for the novice eartheater enthusiast is Geophagus sp.“pindare.”. Common Name: Threadfin Acara They are not very troublesome, stay relatively small (some species do not even exceed 10 cm [4 inches] in length), and reproduce readily—in other words, they have all that it takes to appeal to fish hobbyists. Picture. The river is poorly-studied and the conservationstatus of its fishes mostly unconfirmed so such developme… Some sections of the Pindaré have been heavily degraded via removal of riparianvegetation for agriculture and habitats destroyed due to resultant siltation. ... Geophagus Tapajos ‘Red head’ (Geophagus parnaibae) Currently Unavailable ... Threadfin Geophagus Heckelii (Acarichthys heckelii) – 3+ Inches $ 30.00. In other words, don’t act on a sudden impulse. Otherwise, you need to set up another tank, for instance in a shed or cellar, where the temperature would remain at the level required for the species in question during these few months. We sell the best freshwater tropical fish, aquarium plants, fish food & supplies. Categories: Freshwater fish, Oddball Community Fish, Oddball Semi aggressive, SUPER RARE!!!
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