Is it unavoidable ? In the Super Mario Bros 3. I still cannot believe that whole ordeal - the delusion of “we only expected like 100 people” after they advertised for days and have millions of subs. Sheesh, [–]Spider_Alyx 2 points3 points4 points 8 months ago (2 children). You're speaking of this right here. This subreddit was created to replace /r/VentGrumps, after its head moderator closed it. However, both of them have this dynamic with Ross. ", Arin: No no no no no no no no no...yes! Not to mention Shmorky. Or is there worse shit he's done, I was hoping he was a wholesome dude and the only positive thing still at Gamegrumps...other then ross but we don't get to see him. (Arin's eulogy to Monty). As it turns out, someone went to the garage sale and bought back a game they had given Ross several years prior. Jon has his blind spots and they may surprise you. CPU Wario turning 8-bit, a feature neither Grump was prepared for. [–]deathpunch4477 18 points19 points20 points 8 months ago (0 children). I do agree that they should be held to a higher standard since they have influence over a huge amount of people (hence, they should seriously own up to their mistakes and not just hide it or just post a tweet), but a good lot of the youtubers did not start their channels thinking how much their words or actions would greatly affect a community. There's an onscreen menu telling you what to do! While Arin has gone on record stating he's not a big fan of. Man you are a hero, thank you for this! Can't believe I knew about the pandering statements and stuff but not about this, that really bummed me tf out. Maybe Good Game wasn't that popular but for a YouTube Red, I don't think the views were that bad. And I don't even watch game grumps anymore aside from occasional pop ins! Nothing much really. I can't imagine how fucking hard that would hit someone. Coming only a few days after this post was made, Arin tweeted out asking if he should make a statement about BLM on the Game Grumps Twitter. The one thing I can't look at like this are the allegations against Dan. [–]MaddoEngineer 2 points3 points4 points 7 months ago (0 children). : Arin should really take any content controlled by him where he says the n-word offline. [–]Muted-Play 1 point2 points3 points 8 months ago (0 children), THE THUMBNAILS!!! Had to skim read because I'm at work. Italian.xlsx - ID:5c1168c922840. The video was taken down, and Arin has deleted the tweet saying that he did not know. Arin is very passionate about food from Wendy's, and spends over a minute in one episode literally, Arin fancies himself this. Arin has even said several times that returning to Endless Ocean and Dog Island is unlikely because "some of the character voices haven't aged well.". Jon (and sometimes Arin) tends to shout out "MODE 7" whenever it appears in a game they're playing. Suzy, aka Mortem3r, is Arin's wife and her actions over the years have gotten her a thread much like this one. They lost the footage of the Super Metroid playthrough. This has opened my eyes. Unfortunately, from how he acts online and what he shows of himself, I can see him doing most of the things he's been accused of doing, which is highly questionable use of his power bordering on abuse depending on the other person's personal situation (which he, like any person, needs to fucking stay on top of and have an eye on). While complaining that the direction of the game is unclear. Negativity, and more! And of course, though I have given you the information, it's up to you to interpret. I've been out of the loop for so long, I had no idea things were this bad. "Grep." Over a joke he himself started. They advertised it to their channel and despite 800 people RSVPing on Facebook, 500 people showing up when Arin did an impromptu meet up at Wendy's a few years ago (Which, according to a commenter, was a nightmare for the employees as they had no warning of Arin arriving, had a huge constant rush of people, were afraid that they were going to get shut down due to breaking code, had trash thrown about everywhere, and had multiple complaints from the other businesses in the area. silently quits the game without making any jokes or humorous outbursts, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Jon was a musical theatre major in college, their "Grump" and "Not So Grump" T-shirt advert. Did every single episode have bigoted jokes in them? The 2nd Wheel of Fortune Junior Edition episode has Suop, Glorgnhak, and Chris. ', often said sarcastically after a humiliating failure. It's only hypocrisy if you condemn beating your wife while currently being a wife beater, or saying racism is bad while being a racist. Never was, never will be. Danny Sexbang of Ninja Sex Party. Check the "Flairs" section below to get a better idea of what kind of content belongs here. Since then, several women have come forward, one several months prior, each with screenshots, saying that Dan gave them the old ejaculate and evacuate. In one particular instance they walk past a open tunnel through a huge wall protecting a town he needs to go through. For a show about two guys, Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan, sitting on a couch playing video games, it is absolutely baffling at the sheer amount of controversies they have had. In one of the posts, they provided a selfie of Dan and an edited out picture of his contact information as proof. If so I’m just bummed out now... [–]RedSeikatsuProbably 14 3 points4 points5 points 7 months ago (0 children), [–]SpecialAmphibian6 5 points6 points7 points 8 months ago (0 children), I wanted to add that the only reason Not-So-Grump Gate is hilarious is because Dan said that he thought one-night stands are "gross. In Mario Bros U, Dan calls a 1-up a 1-Man and Arin asks him why it is gendered. Jon points out that nothing can be heard due to the audio being so quiet when they record. He clearly never matured at all, and still acts like a child. Gooper Blooper attacks Mario with its tentacles when he tries to attack his weakpoint, and the solution would be to pull them off to render him harmless. He's even talked about when they were in the old grump office, he would bring in girls after hours, and he'd screw around with them ALL OVER the place. Their commercials for real Grump products are full of this. See: the time when Arin played, Danny constantly calling Waddle Dees "monkeys" in. [–]NotBlarg[S] 4 points5 points6 points 8 months ago (2 children). Hold on - Arin's apology video is still monetized? While some people claimed that this was for the best as it shows how much Game Grumps has changed, others claimed that it was Game Grumps trying to hide its past and to bend over backwards to try not to offend anyone. Sexually assaulting Arin on stage at a panel, Destroying Dan's Ninja Sex Party outfit after he announces he has a girlfriend, Taking home Dan's used water bottles after a concert, Arin Appreciation Day: A holiday celebrated every three months on the 18th all about Arin Hanson (Now shut down due to violating Twitter rules), Getting a tattoo of Dan and Ninja Brian's autograph on their butt, PolyGrumps: A subreddit for rule 34 Game Grumps pictures (Not going to link for obvious reasons), Naming their first born child after Dan (Another person named their child after Arin), Sticking notes under their hotel door at a convention, Attacking a fan for gender swapped Dream Daddy fan art (Picture), Being followed backstage by someone who claimed to be a security guard, Trying to put Dan in a porn game without his consent and actually getting him in, Threatening to kill someone by turning their intestines into a sweater if they don't leave Arin alone. Ben previous had privately contacted someone on Twitter and after Arin's statement, issued another apology where he explained that his actions were wrong, that he understood that now, and that his twitter was originally the voice of his character in Buckwheat Groats (his band that appears to have ended in 2014) who is known for posting edgy humor. That’s why, fans that “get it” get it. If a Megathread exists for a topic, all discussion on that topic belongs within the Megathread. The real issue is that it could have been avoided entirely. But I'd read somewhere that DD was outed and originally I thought "so what, I gathered that from watching OneyPlays". I've been watching GG a few months to a year and had no idea any on this stuff happened, I don't involve myself with youtube drama too much. If rumors are to be believed, all of his 'my friend x' stories were about these one night stands he was having. In fact, the only videos/series that were deleted were the ones included in the Game Grumps N-word Compilation, so they missed a lot of videos including the ones already mentioned on this list as well as but not limited to, Arin not wanting to edit out the N-Word in a Mario Maker comment, Dan making illegal immigrant jokes in Man of Medan (Twice), whatever Barry edited out in Wheel of Fortune, Dan saying "Because he's Black" in Shovel Knight, Arin dropping the N-Word in Awesome the Hedgehog, Dan saying the N-word (Bonus: Dan saying the F-word), and many many more. They only get through because Arin activates a Buddy Bot by complete accident. I can only speak for myself - most of the things I read here feel like mistakes anyone could do, especially under a lot of pressure, well, at least I could see myself making them, and already have (differently, I'm just saying I also already fucked up majorly because that shit just happens). Their previous editors, Matt and Ryan from, Adding to it even later, is Vernon one of the creators behind. Arin told Ben that his behavior was not appropriate as long as he works at Game Grumps, and he is still editing for them. Just double checked right now. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 31734 on r2-app-0b0680e933c43b7dc at 2021-02-23 13:33:02.372893+00:00 running 81a1eda country code: US. Jon being upset that he lost (which in turn spoiled the ending). Someone saying they don't support something they have personally done years ago (like dropping the n-bomb) isn't hypocrisy. Various episodes end with one. Arin's answer: In Pokémon Emerald #9, Arin teases Jon about his use of the word "legitimately". This place will host much complaining and venting discontent, but that doesn't mean we can't be civil about it. Danny has made clear he only holds some slight nostalgic love for Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude and thinks it is a poor installment of the Leisure Suit Larry series. One case is when Sayori says, "I'm going to keep writing until I die!" Had no idea the sexual harassment issue happened. Arin has to know by this point, which means he's ok that behavior. I did some enough fucked up shit and got treated horribly for it just by some irl peers I had to know that it would have absolutely ruined me to get 10, 100 times that from random people on the internet, let alone 1000 times that (and I still have male white privilege; it's magnitudes worse if you don't). When Cross-Posting from other subs, please use .np. The Grumps somehow avoid the hint ring, walk around the entire lake, avoid the hint ring again, go away from the lake, explore the then-irrelevant hub stage, and.,, that there are many series that were in that range that were dropped. Is this Ben guy still working for them? Also in Pokémon Emerald, the Nincada STRGG is a reference to one of the Miis on the second-hand Wii. While the argument could be made that he has changed over the years, he still calls it a 1-Man as shown by here, here, here, here, and here. They get grumpy as all hell during the Universal Studios playthrough. You can't delete things that you have said about black people, but then leave up years of stuff about other races, and continue to still have stuff about black people as well. Wow, this is a really great summary. In there own words "He was doing this from late 2013 to 2017 and maybe even beyond that. [–]CSpineMcGee 1 point2 points3 points 7 months ago* (2 children). The intro to, Arin has made several call backs to Jon's series, and Jon has done likewise to the, All of Arin's major works are mentioned (even. !, Danny gets TKO'd in the first round by Mr. Sandman, with over a minute to spare. and and 'I/you did it. He, "Fat people are everything that's wrong with the world! (Product 1: Vendor $2.99, Suzy $80. So was Hiroshima, huh? In PUBG Mobile, Arin manages to land right in the middle of the Map, where everyone in the server will eventually have to go since the game will shorten the stage in a sphere and it ends in the middle of the Map. Killing a baby. "I'M the Video Game Boy! I'm going summarize it, but give it a read if you want more information. When people dug a bit further, they found out that Ben has been constantly doing this for years (One, two, three, four) and even took a picture with them when they were 14. In a list of controversies, it is impossible not to talk about the Lovelies, because not only do they do some very strange things, but a lot of the time, Game Grumps encourages their behavior. I always thought all this Game Grumps controversy was one sided, but seeing people like Chris even disliking Arin's current actions, it's plain to see that most, if not all of these controversies are very much truthful. In Dick Tracy for the NES, Danny and Arin actually read the opening narration out loud where the police chief warns them not to shoot at unarmed civilians, and the text appears on screen two more times after that. If anyone is actually up in arms about some of these like the "gendered words" section, they really need to calm themselves down. But as always, life gets in the way, and I didn't get truly started till the mid to late 1990s. Arin's wheezing laugh makes him easy to pick out. [–]NorthernSpectre 1 point2 points3 points 8 months ago (0 children). [–]NearbyWriting 0 points1 point2 points 8 months ago (0 children). Not-So-Grump was originally played by Jon Jafari until he left the show on June 25, 2013, at which point he was replaced by Leigh Daniel Avidan, a.k.a. (Same day as second tweet) Despite all this, none of it is Suzy's biggest controversy. While none of these are major controversies on their own, hypocrisy is a constant problem. Jon shows shades of it, but believes himself to be much worse than he is. Toward the end of Part 13, Sonic and Tails approach a force field blocking their path. It ends with Arin (faking) attempting suicide. [–]vashthestampede121 1 point2 points3 points 7 months ago (0 children), [–]PrincessIshtarTheRed 1 point2 points3 points 7 months ago (0 children). When all that shit with Jared went down he didn’t get involved at all. On October 22, 2013, Game Grumps announced their partnership with Polaris, having a gameplay series on the Polaris channel called Hunting Monsters. This is a absolutely fascinating read, thank you! I'm waiting a couple of days until the dust settles but that joke is going to go into a new section thanks to all this deleting videos drama. [–]PrimeTinkleShorts 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (0 children). This thread was an astonishing rabbit hole. Dan initially said 'totally!' Also, the game grumps did not sell that game, it was at Ross's rubberninja table with the rest of the personal stuff that he was selling. His mom literally dropped him out because “she didn’t want him to go to the bad kid school”. That Ben stuff is really weird. Hypocrisy. Smut Grumps, now known as Smut Redacted. How come the "1-man" thing js a controversy? Are Youtubers bound to become terrible people ? He’s been through a lot, and seems like a good person because of it. Without a doubt, some of the controversies that are posted in this thread really hurts my heart cuz I always looked up to them and thought that they were “alright” for the most part. I'm not offended by it at all. Now! While playing Strider 2, Jon reveals that he is able to read both Hiragana and Katakana. To be fair most YouTube red shows only got one. And Now For Something Completely Different. Thanks for reporting the malicious ads. That's obviously exactly what happened and I think someone who's silly enough to send strangers a gift with a personal note attached probably wouldn't ever see it that way. At one point, they reference the slogan "Easy Breezy Beautiful Covergirl", and at another point Arin stops Jon from singing a copyrighted song. It's capped off by this sentence: When you name your character "Fuck, I", it sounds like everyone does a. Jon often says that he's no good at fighting games, but in most of the games they've played he's at least been a decent match for Arin, and has won just as many fighting game episodes of Game Grumps Vs as Arin has. stopped popping up once an end slate with a subscribe button right at the top was introduced. Women that were at least fifteen years younger than him, if not more. And just like ProJared, as long as it is consensual, it doesn't matter. She said she was "blown away" that the game was being sold and that the note was still inside. This post is designed to compile all the major controversies Game Grumps has had over the years. Fanbases are weird by default: PewDiePie's 9 year olds are just cringey. Olajide Olayinka Williams "JJ" Olatunji12 (born: June 19, 1993 (1993-06-19) [age 27]), better known online as KSI (short for Knowledge Strength Integrity, formerly JideJunior),3is an English YouTuber, filmmaker, actor, musician, and professional boxermainly known for his music, vlogs, boxing, and challenges with the Sidemen. Aside from him playing games individually (including, The Ten Minute Power Hour consists of almost nothing but this with episodes that hew closely to the premise to ones that have a bizarre subplot (Danny being held hostage by Arin) to ones that are completely derailed by a totally unrelated event (getting sued by, Arin animated a few of his favorite scenes from Game Grumps episodes in a sketchy lineart style in the show's early days, but while he claimed to be working on more at MAG Fest they appear to have fallen victim to the same. Oh and “he fell asleep facing away from me” like shuuuut uuuuuup I have a comfy side damn. Good Lord. The Ben thing is gross though but I also don’t know much about him, if he’s like 17 as well then whatever, if he’s not then yeah that’s a problem, but I don’t know that any of us have any reasonable idea as to how much the grumps knew or how they run their business. Arin is now the fat (or at least the husky) to Danny's beanpole-skinny. Brian, from Dan's band Ninja Sex Party, and Suzy, Arin's wife, immediately went on damage control saying that the game is not a cash grab, and that Ding Dong and Julian had nothing to do with beta testing/work on the game. I'm NOT a douche, and I have almost no friends at all, wtf man? [–]uziraptor 14 points15 points16 points 8 months ago (0 children), i’m happy there’s finally a full confirmation on the ding dong and julian one. I have left everything as is for posterity's sake and to give the complete story, so people will leave him alone and so he doesn't have to keep explaining himself, however if requested, I will remove this part no questions asked. Fast forwards during the Danny era are usually accompanied by an improvised singalong, courtesy of Danny. Now I just gotta tell myself that there are worse people than them. Also I never understood what was wrong with pandering unless I'm just not reading in between the lines as much as I should be or something. people loosing interest in the grumps for this isnt "cancel culture" its just the result of their actions. Arin explained that as an animator, you generally want to use the most well-known image when it comes to technology in a cartoon, meaning using bunny-eared boxy TV's and rotary telephones. He even loses both matches in, Subverted: Arin's been racking up wins with, Ross has become the butt monkey for the entire channel, especially from Danny, with the phrase "Goddammit Ross" becoming something of a catchphrase. [–]Spider_Alyx 1 point2 points3 points 8 months ago (2 children), [–]Riotai 4 points5 points6 points 8 months ago (0 children). and maybe she has a point. I'm almost certain that it's because this post brought some attention to it as people have been asking about the videos for a couple years now. This includes the time he dropped off a person who was black and had to say the word 30 times to get it out of his system. Dan with women is grey for me. This got him some backlash (One, two, three) and he made a follow up statement that he regrets asking. [–]Lewdjern 0 points1 point2 points 8 months ago (0 children). and Dan adds "This afternoon!" Arin gives another one after the unfortunate suicide of Bones in, And Jon does another one as the last line of, Arin gets one at the end of his playthrough of, Jon's response after inhaling a lungful of bittering agent. Work wise, he’s not able to even get a job at McDonalds. Arin himself may apply due to his inability to recognise any kind of pattern that is spelled out right in front of him. It just sucks seeing people I look up to being such dicks to their fans and other creators. jumps right over Rush and into a spike pit. "I HAVE A SELECTION OF MANY BOOTS FOR MY HUMAN TENTACLE FEET!". " least I'm just one.". [–]Leonik9 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (0 children), [–]bengay_ 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (0 children), Can we get a discussion going on brents inappropriate hygiene behavior, his cock smells so fucking gross, [–]EpicSexGay_ 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (1 child), You can dislike someone or not be a fan of their position on things and still like what they make. [–]another_icarusista 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago* (1 child). It was so bad they had to send someone out to hand out water and sunscreen. See, Danny's response when Suzy confirms the existence of the D Club in, The Knuckles wall-climbing glitch caught them. Not realizing the locations were random Arin and Dan were unhappy with the helpfulness of the walkthrough. A lot of people still enjoy Game Grumps and, while I might not enjoy it as much as I once did, I don't want to tear down people's enjoyment of what they love. This is not cut and dry, so use your best judgement. [–]techmaster2001Dan Era, 2015 1 point2 points3 points 8 months ago* (1 child). [–]jatenk 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (0 children). Not only that but I find extremely stupid that they created those mousepads of Arina and Dana (I think that’s how they call those new characters) with large breasts. [–]PoweredKetzalcoatl44Jon Era 1 point2 points3 points 8 months ago (1 child). [–]Squidbear69This is Mean :< 3 points4 points5 points 8 months ago (0 children). Ben is an editor for Game Grumps and since day one the response to him has been mixed at best, with many people finding his edits annoying, intrusive, and in one case, gave someone a seizure. In sum, Arin chews out Axel Rose for for using the N-word. Danny then immediately shouts "RAISINS!" If I may, I suggest adding the 'Ross and Jared Stalked at Magfest' incident to the Lovelies section. everyone who took part in doing that to them is a scumbag and i’m happy they’re out of youtuber central now and working on their games happily, [–]KayeChan 14 points15 points16 points 8 months ago (0 children), How in the holy hell is he still employed? One of these days... Arin of course talks to the doctor next to her, and then stays next to her for a while before Jon threatens him. [–]SleepyKhajjit 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (0 children). Silver's Radical Train features weighted scales, which is first introduced to you in a consequence-free environment for you to experiment with, something that Arin praised about Mega Man in Sequelitis. I'm glad he's in a stable commited relationship, I'm just concerned his promiscuous nature might get the better of him. [–]sessukobayashi 1 point2 points3 points 6 months ago (0 children), Ik this is old but their ads used to beso entertaining, [–]danny_arin_uwu 2 points3 points4 points 8 months ago (3 children), Why is the 1-man thing a part of it? [Takes precedence over the 'Question' Flair if your question pertains to the /r/RantGrumps subreddit.]. Granted I suppose if you want to jump to conclusions you could argue it's "gross" or "scummy" that they were fans in particular, but that's only if you assume Dan was say...abusing his popularity and influence instead of just say...not saying no to a good time or merely making an offer. Just put in mind that if you’re on the spotlight and every little dirt that you have done in the past is being presented somewhere to make it look like that’s your whole identity, that’s not cool especially if you do try to help people out in your own way, but that is negated cuz you’re only defined as a “bad” person now (one example of “help” is Dan’s charity streams on IG). He once thought "Separate Ways" (by. In Part 1 of Super C, Danny asks Barry for a for a smiling hamburger to float from the right of the screen to left after the game crashes, just as he did with the B.O.B.
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