Extra fingers is a dominant genetic trait? With recessive genes both parents need to at least have that genotype, and the child can only have the two recessive genes. Return to the main Myths of Human Genetics page, This page was last revised January 30, 2007. Placing the hand palm-down and seeing which finger extends further is a problem, because a slight shift in the angle of the fingers dramatically changes the relative position of the fingertips. If so, then I have to ask… How did SIX SIX and SIX five ever GET to be so rare in the first place - (If we were to imagine a theoretical world wherein no one had ever thought they were freaky looking and refused to date them, I mean.). The only difference that has at all is on the appearance of heterozygotes. Paul et al. Thanks, Chronos, for putting that in Captain Dummy Speak! With vs. Even if it is negatively selected in humans, you’d kind of think there would be at least one mammal out there that could benefit from six or seven fingers. The disorder is more frequent in males than females. Some people have an index finger that is longer than their ring finger; we'll call this long index finger, or L. Others have an index finger that is shorter than their ring finger (S). Let’s say we have a gene pool. How many letters are in the genetic code for nitrogenous bases? 6. Department of Biological Sciences If everybody were to decide that extra digits were unattractive, and refused to mate with anyone with extra digits, the trait would be completely gone (aside from new mutations) in the next generation, because a kid can’t end up with extra digits unless at least one parent has them. vulcan hand sign dominant or recessive. I think the silkie chickens do have true extra digits, but that’s an artificially selected animal. Right after Mendel, while they are explaining dominant and recessive traits, they list some examples, blue eyes vs. brown, tongue curling, baldness, and wham- “extra fingers is dominant over five fingers(weird but true)”(paraphrased-the messy living room ate the book, but that’s what it said). Now, just due to random chance, there could be a slight deviation from the parental ratio. Dominant (have it) __ Recessive (don't have it) ___. Eye Color: Eye color, as well as hair and skin, is a complex trait; not a case of simple inheritance.The main pigment is melanin, and the more melanin, the darker the color. Annals of Eugenics 13: 35-71. Let’s say red people are twice as likely as green people to reproduce. 2006. But no one ever says what causes an allele to be dominant or recessive.. Part of the reason no one talks about this is that there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Syndactylies exhibit great inter- … If you do the probability math, you’ll find that you would expect the second generation to have very close to the same ratio of red to green balls. Ll Use this tally sheet to keep track of the different traits that your classmates have. The trait for having six fingers was mostly bred out of the gene pool. You can Google “Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium” if you want a full treatment, but I’ll give a summary. Bent Little Finger: A dominant allele causes the last joint of the little finger to dramatically bend inward toward the 4th finger. American Journal of Human Genetics 4: 72-89. John H. McDonald Some of these syndromes shorten life (which may prevent procreation entirely, or cut short the fertile years), cause enough other medical issues that cut into a person’s health enough to limit or preclude procreation entirely, reduce a person’s wish to procreate – either by the effort needed to deal with the medical issues, or by the person choosing not to risk passing along the entire syndromes (worse than just the creepy finger look). Three options. Possibly not “incredibly low”. On the other hand, if (say) blond hair (a recessive trait) were deemed similarly repulsive, you would nonetheless see blonds showing up for several generations afterwards, since many blond genes would still be in the pool hiding behind brown genes. Having more than five fingers is a little more complicated because it can be a dominant or recessive trait, depending on what genes are involved. If you do the math on that, you’ll find that within not very many generations, your population will be entirely red (if red is recessive) or almost entirely red (if red is dominant).

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