Denver Zoning Code – Text Amendment #11 for Pre-Existing Small Zone Lot vehicle parking exemption April 27, 2017 Page 3 standalone zoning process to use the exemption … Standards for accessory gardens address the growing of marijuana and prohibit on-site sales of produce unless part of a permitted home occupation (§11.8.4, § Division 10.5.5 FENCES AND WALLS. code of ordinances. | Privacy & Security Policy
The code also defines "fresh produce and cottage food sales" as a home occupation of sales of products grown in urban or accessory gardens (§ Hives are limited to 2 per zone lot, chickens and ducks combined are limited to 8 per zone lot, and dwarf goats are limited to 2 per zone lot.
The city’s zoning code is a mapped mandatory form-based code. It includes a mix of use-based and form-based zoning standards. ... part eleven - planning and zoning code. The new code is focused on “form-based” rather than “use-based” zoning. file # text attachments official code other info Search Legislation : 0 records; File # Type Status File Created Final Action Title; Please enter your search criteria. Interpretations can be appealed to the Board of Adjustment within 15 days of issuance. • 11.02.04 FINAL AUTHORITY- Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the Zoning Code Map which may from time to time be made or published, the This type of simultaneous zoning and building code review is optional -- applicants who need or want a commercial zoning review before applying for building permits can continue to do so. This Section 11.10.12.C's use standards shall apply to all accessory Outdoor Eating and Serving Areas, where allowed with limitations, in the following Zone Districts: b.
Zoning Issues A. The Denver Zoning Code implements the city's vision for the future of Denver, by calibrating regulations for structures, uses and parking by neighborhood context. The Denver Zoning Code was adopted in 2010.
Division 11.1 Introduction DENVER ZONING CODE June 25, 2010 | Republished May 24, 2018 DiViSiON 11.1 GeNerAl PrOViSiONS SectiON 11.1.1 iNteNt Article 11 sets forth the limitations specific to primary, accessory and temporary uses permitted under this Code. Its general intent statements address balancing conservation and development; achieving design excellence; and guiding the city’s prosperous and sustainable future (§1.1.2). districts in the 38. th & Blake Station Area. Determinations can be appealed to the Board of Adjustment within 15 days of issuance. It defines and regulates uses based on broad categories, with select specific use types, and includes use-specific standards to minimize reliance on discretionary use permits. Article 9. I haven't blogged much about the new zoning code over the past five years because, frankly, I haven't had the time or the energy to give it the coverage it deserved, with all those infill projects to talk about. 2010 Population Density: | 12.2-1 rie 12. Zoning code determinations summarize the zoning administratorâs decisions on unlisted uses and decisions on which of two or more conflicting code provisions apply. ... See also C-CCN zone district use limitations related to ground-story Household Living uses in Section 11.2.5 of this Code, and C-CCN zone district uses limitations related to ground-story Automobile Services, Light or Heavy uses in Section charter of mentor, ohio. In June of 2010, the City of Denver adopted a new zoning code. 3,922.60/square mile, American Planning Association It is richly illustrated and uses tables to organize use permissions and dimensional standards. | Jobs
What Version of the Code Applies to Modification or Amendment of Applications, Plans, and Permits?
INC Zoning and Planning Sub-Committee – Short-Term Rentals Page 7 IV. 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200 Intent To help define the public realm and enhance the visual quality of the built environment where it is not possible to define the street and public sidewalk edge with building facades. Mixed Use (R-MU, C-MU, T-MU, OS-1), Article VI: Off-Street Parking Requirements, Article VII: Off-Street Loading Requirements, Article VIII: Special Zone Lot Plans for Planned Building Groups, Article IX: Nonconforming Uses and Structures, Setback from Primary Street Facing Facade of Primary Structure, Setback Permitted Encroachments for Window Wells and/or Emergency Basement Egress Areas, Transit Priority Streets, Enhanced Transit Corridors, Regional or Urban Ten-Minute Bus Corridors, Party Wall or Common Wall, Detached Structures, Applicability of the Small Lot Parking Exemption to Buildings that Existed on March 23, 2017, Voluntary Demolition Definition and Measurement, Applicability of Use Limitations for Mini-Storage Facilities in Industrial Zone Districts, Residential Structures Containing a Second Complete and Independent Dwelling Unit, Maximum Building Footprint and Gross Area of Footprint, Interpretation for Polo Club Place Subdivision â Zone Lot Clarification and Zoning Review Guidance, Initial Assignment of Building Form to Existing Structures and Change of Building Form After Initial Assignment, Maximum Floor Area and Habitable Space Limits for Detached Accessory Dwelling Units, Number of ADU Uses Allowed with One Single-Unit Dwelling Use, Former Chapter 59 (FC59) Use Determinations: The Other Side Academy, Outdoor Animal Run Accessory to Animal Services Sales, Household Pets Only, Limited Commercial Sales, Service Accessory to Nonresidential Primary Uses, Outdoor Off-Leash Dog Enclosure Accessory to Primary Eating/Drinking Establishment (The Watering Bowl), Short-term Rentals in Areas Zoned under Former Chapter 59, Common Meeting Space with Alcohol Service (Grid Workspace, Inc.), Outdoor Dog Play Yard Accessory to Primary Eating and Drinking Establishment (Bark Bar), Outdoor Expansion Space for Restaurants and Bars, Rooming and/or Boarding Home Occupation Floor Area Calculations, Detached Accessory Structures with Vehicle Access Doors, Guide to Development on Carriage Lots under the Denver Zoning Code. All RX Zone Districts All CC-3x, -5x Zone Districts DENVER ZONING CODE June 25, 2010 | Republished April 7, 2014 part three - traffic code. Standards address location on lot, screening, storage, setbacks, and prohibit slaughtering. part five - general offenses code. | Terms of Use
The city's zoning code allows the keeping of household animals, including domestic honey bees, chickens and ducks, and dwarf goats, without a zoning permit (§; § The changes to the Denver Zoning Code (look for section 11.8.5). All WECS must conform to setback, height, safety, and siting standards (§
They were included in the code to carry over use overlays from the previous zoning code and no additional use overlays can be created. The city adopted a new zoning code in 2010. Secial Contets and Districts Diision 9.2 Camus Contet DENVER ZONING CODE | 9.2-13 June 25, 2010 | Republished July 6, 2015 GENERAL (2 OF 2) HEIGHT CMP-EI2 A Feet (max) 150’ A Feet, within 175’ of Protected District (max) 75’ B Bulk Plane Vertical Height at Centerline of Primary Street 10’ C Bulk Plane Vertical Height at Centerline of Side Street 10’ It includes six neighborhood context areas consisting of zone districts all with different permissible land uses, form standards, building frontage types, façade design standards, parking standards, and landscaping standards. | Accessibility, Urban Design, Design Review, Design Standards and Guidelines, Article 3: Suburban (S-) Neighborhood Context, Article 4: Urban Edge (E-) Neighborhood Context, Article 5: Urban (U-) Neighborhood Context, Article 6: General Urban (G-) Neighborhood Context, Article 7: Urban Center (C-) Neighborhood Context, Article 8: Downtown (D-) Neighborhood Context, Article 9: Special Contexts and Districts (I-, CMP-, OS-, M-), Article 11: Use Limitations and Definitions, Article 12: Zoning Procedures and Enforcement, Article 13: Rules of Measurement and Definitions, Article II: Administration and Enforcement, Div 15. P. 9. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OF DENVER ZONING CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS Text Amendment Ordinance No.
Limitations in the Principal Structure Zoning code clarifications primarily provide guidance to staff on how to apply the Denver Zoning Code consistently. Limitations in this Article 11 are generally intended to: The index map will help you identify which map shows your area of interest. B. Urban Edge Neighborhood Context Division 4.2 Districts DENVER ZONING CODE June 25, 2010 D. The regulations provide certainty to property owners, developers, and neighborhoods about Fax: 312-786-6700, Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Planning Division, Regional and Intergovernmental Planning Division, Membership for Allied Professionals & Citizens, City Planning and Management Division Overview, Environment, Natural Resources and Energy Division, Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Planning Division Overview, Housing and Community Development Division, Planning and the Black Community Division, Regional and Intergovernmental Planning Division Overview, Small Town and Rural Planning Division Overview, Sustainable Communities Division Overview,
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