Views: 389, Replies: 4 » Jump to the end. The curling leaf seems to open up and return to normal sometimes but then will go back to being curled. This makes the leaves curl, turn yellow, or wilt. If you have recently watered it and the soil still feels moist, you need to be cautious of overwatering and root rot. Don’t miss a single cycle. Here’s how to soak-water your Alocasia Polly: Place your plant in your sink or tub without the saucer. Set up a watering schedule where it gets at least 2-3 inches of water each week. Gets a few hours of direct sun in Florida every day, and I’m letting it dry out between waterings. Solution. I recently fertilized it with regular Miracle Grow. Elephant Ear plants drink lots of water. Fill your basin up with about 3-4″ of water. If you haven’t watered it in a while or it has been particularly hot and dry, it may be time to give it a drink. Alocasia x amazonica care is not insurmountable by any means once you understand it. The other 2 were planted at least 12-30 feet away from where it popped up. Its difficult for my old messed up eyes to see in your photos, but your new growth looks good. The Alocasia zebrina isn’t a drought-tolerant plant, however: its leaves turn brown and crispy in dry conditions. Why are my Alocasia Zebrina leaves curling? Like many people, I was seduced by the dark green, glossy leaves with sharply contrasting veins, as well as by the striking shape and form of the leaves. It is widely available as a houseplant and is popular because of its striking foliage, with dramatically shaped leaves that are deep green to greenish black, contrasting with prominent white veins. The intoxicatingly beautiful, arrow-shaped black leaves with attractive silvery veins grow on dwarf stems. Ask a Question forum→Alocasia Cuprea Leaf Curling. Make sure the water isn’t hot! Razche ... Then suddenly the leaf started to curl and the older two leaves have started to droop. Curling or slightly droopy leaves indicate that the plant needs water. Because the striped stems hold a lot of moisture, they don’t need a lot of water each session. Allow your plant to soak up water through the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot for at least 45 min. Alocasia sanderiana, also known as the Kris plant, has extremely dark green foliage and provides an exotic-looking houseplant.Its long, pointed leaves are have white veins and scalloped edges outlined in white. Baltimore, MD. Sometimes we are seeking for something different plant.. different color, shape and... well something special for our home..! For a while I was wondering, why all the new leaves came out small, wrinkly and curling. Ensure that the soil is wet. Its not uncommon for Alocasia to jettison a few leaves #1 when their conditions change dramatically and #2 at this particular time of the year. I have had the same problem (not on alocasias though, but on Schefflera, Dieffenbachia and Pilea) from aphids. The fast-growing Alocasia reginula gets dormant in winter. I couldn't see them at first, because they were hiding inside new, curled up leaves. Water daily during summers. Alocasia lauterbachiana - elephant's ear APPEARANCE : … I noticed it putting out a new leaf yesterday :) I dug up and overwintered my 2 Alocasia Mayan Mask last fall; One of them overwintered in the house and the other I let go completely dormant in a pot. If you continue to neglect it, it will dry up. Alocasia Zebrina likes soil moisture, but they are easy to overwater and susceptible to root rot. Alocasia x. amazonica is a hybrid that features leathery, wavy-edged, arrowhead-shaped, dark bronze-green leaves (up to 16” long) ; The truly enormous Alocasia … Water once a week. Anyway, I dug it up and replanted it in its only little spot. The Alocasia black velvet is a beautiful indoor plant popular for its foliage. The Alocasia Black Velvet Care includes a warm and humid place with indirect light. Alocasia leaves are curling up, seems to be mainly younger smaller leaves. There is a stress period for all plants that they go through when their conditions are changed.

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