ABFM plans to follow any modifications to CME requirements as determined by the AAFP; these will apply to all Diplomates regardless of AAFP membership status. We understand how challenging this is for those of you on the front line and are grateful for all that you are doing to serve your patients and communities. For residents graduating in 2020, some necessary adjustments will need to be made. NEW! Through ABMS, the boards work together to establish common standards for physicians to achieve and maintain board certification.  The American Board of Family Medicine is an independent, non-profit organization. It will take up to a month to reflect these changes in your Physician Portfolio. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly, the U.S is facing unprecedented changes in health care demands and the ways in which care is delivered, including widespread virtualization of care, “scrubbing” visit schedules of nonurgent visits, and redeployment of faculty, residents, fellows and staff to different settings, such as screening tents and temporary care facilities. We will communicate these with you in coming weeks. MBE: MBE: Refund amounts are based on the number of questions used and calculated on a prorated basis. Developed with time-strapped physicians like you in mind, our solution helps you learn what you need to know to improve your medical practice while … "Highly infected areas" are defined at the local level and may vary. Please find a summary of these, to date: What happens to my initial certification examination? Now includes 50 questions for each of the eight ABFM exam modules (A $160 Value!) The Family Medicine Certification Examination is an important component of the certification process. Topics offered are focused on your adult patient panel to ultimately improve patient care/outcomes. Chief Resident Leadership Development Program, Residency Leadership Summit (formerly PDW RPS) Virtual Conference, PerformanceNavigator® Workshop: Cardiometabolic Conditions Livestream, Physician Health and Well-being Conference Livestream, AAFP Leadership Virtual Conference (ACLF and NCCL), Care of Cardiovascular Conditions Livestream, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Donate to Support FamMedPAC (AAFP Members Only), FamMedPAC Board of Directors (AAFP Members Only), News From 2019 Congress of Delegates & FMX, News From 2018 Congress of Delegates & FMX. What to Expect During Your One-Day Examination. Stay Dialed In on the Fight for Family Medicine, AAFP Digital Assistant Pilot Opportunities Available. Given that family physicians are on the front lines of care delivery, both in the outpatient setting where upper respiratory symptoms are common, and in inpatient and long-term care settings where they might be exposed to yet-undiagnosed patients with more acute COVID-19 disease, we are committed to communicating to you regularly about any impact of this pandemic on certification activities. FMCLA Information Fax: 859-335-7516 We understand that the ACGME will be developing a website that will provide guidance about the accreditation of residencies. We also intend to waive requirements for nursing home visits, subspecialty electives, and elective experiences as allowed by ACGME, in situations where this becomes necessary based on the conditions of the pandemic. View all AAFP Continuing Medical Education for Family Medicine Board Review and earn CME credit. For specific questions, please look in the links to specific categories below where you can find more information. Residency Training Requirements and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Those physicians reporting CME through the AAFP, can continue to do so. Terms of use. The same certification points and CME credit will be applied as if it was done in a group setting. March 20, 2020. After receiving my ABIM board results today I must say you guys haven't failed. This PI can address many different dimensions of care—not just clinical quality measures but process effectiveness and efficiency, patient satisfaction, safety and the other characteristics that the practice has identified. CME Requirements COVID-19 Updates for Graduating Family Medicine Residents ), the timing of sections, the security of items, the number of responses needed for scoring, the fact that many other non-resident family physicians take the exam in April. We want you to know that ABFM is committed to focusing on the needs of all family physicians, including residents, through the challenges ahead. You've got a baby on the way—now's the time to find a doctor you can trust. We prefer that certification is not what is top of mind at this time. In light of this, we secured thousands of exam seats in July/August and were able to offer an alternative exam window after the April administration was cancelled. We will work with you. We intend to trust program directors to balance the complex needs of the current time. We will communicate any changes as necessary. As such, using telemedicine to provide care in your own practice state, or in another state as needed, will pose no problems with your certification status, even if the limited telemedicine license is only granted for this period of critical need, as long as you maintain your current, full medical license. The program’s structure gives residents the flexibility to configure learning opportunities to meet professional interests and to help them achieve their goals. The deadline to complete your current quarter 25-question set has been extended from March 31 to June 30, 2020. We recommend reviewing the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for the latest updates along with additional information regarding COVID-19. There is still much uncertainty about the coronavirus outbreak and what we know is changing daily. My daily work is already changing, what if I am not able to meet ABFM requirements for eligibility to take my examination? ABFM will allow inclusion of precepted televisits and visits in other novel settings (e.g., tent clinics, COVID-19 diagnostic center) toward the 1650 visit minimum. In this communication, the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) wishes to respond to questions from the community about the impact of the pandemic on Family Medicine Board Certification. With respect to requirements for continuity patient visits, we expect that most of you will already have met the 1,650 minimum visit requirement prior to the pandemic.

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