When it comes to betta fish, it is the males that are most renowned for their fancy flowing tails, vivid colors, and unique patterns—hence it is also these male fish that are most highly prized by both hobby and professional aquarists alike. Just as there are many different colors and patterns, betta fish also comes with a significant number of different fin and tail types. The name is given by the two pectoral fins resembling the ears of an elephant. A post shared by Wendy Bees (@wendy_bees). Combtails have webbing which reaches more than 2/3 of the way up the tail. Breeding albino betta fish is made particularly difficult as they are extremely susceptible to UV light which often results in the fish going blind at a young age. You will just have to find the one that best suit your taste! He was labeled a “Delta Tail” which and the folks at the pet store thought he had been mislabeled and was actually a more expensive variety. The Black Metallic has iridescent scales almost like the color of copper and translucent. web browser that Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. Size: 2.25” (5.7 cm) 2. A rather plain species of Betta fish, the group includes: B. patoti, B. unimaculata, B. ocellata, B. macrostoma and two to four species, which are currently unnamed. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media:. However, not all scaled betta fish are dragon bettas, and to be classified as such, the fish must have thick white, or opaque, metallic scales that cover their body and face. This branching gives a striking look to the fish and makes the caudal fin looking like a rose. While the metallic, or copper, black betta has a black coloring like the black lace betta, only with some metallic coloring in their scales. They come in the most colors variations, generally electric light blue with some color variations (generally dark blue, copper) and have a darker face.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-portrait-2','ezslot_25',124,'0','0'])); Yellow Betta Fish Yellow Betta Fish are also a very common color found. The combtail is a relatively new variety of betta fish that many aquarists argue is not a distinct tail type, but rather a trait that can be found in many other tail types. A paludarium is an aquarium which has terrestrial plants as well as aquatic plants and aquatic life. This type is strictly bred in captivity, you won’t find them in the wild. Multi-colored betta fish are extremely popular, and the term is a bit of a catch-all phrase that is used to describe any betta fish with three or more colors on its body that doesn’t fit a prescribed pattern type. Their tails and fins remain brightly colored as they are not scaled. However the chocolate variation has a brown body. The Over Halfmoon is an extreme version of a Half Moon. An interesting fact about the black variation is that this group can be divided into three different types, Melano, Black Lace and Metallic. Colors: Pink, Purple, Green, Red, and Blue 3. Betta fish (AKA Siamese fighting fish) suffer from a wide range of infections and diseases. This is the final component of describing and determining different varieties of betta fish. First bred in the 1980s, the Halfmoon Betta didn’t take long to reach Europe and then became internationally famous. Although not itself a color, and often used to describe a pattern rather than a shade, wild-type betta fish usually have an iridescent body that is either green or blue and reddish tails and fins, often with blue/green tips. Hi Kaitlynn, do you have the option to put Ariel into another tank? Once a common pattern, Cambodian bettas have become rare in recent years as fanciers have concentrated on breeding more exotic looking fish. Bright green and dark green variations which are visible with the naked eye do exist but are very rare and often considered very precious.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-sky-1','ezslot_26',127,'0','0'])); Mustard Gas Betta Mustard Gas Betta Fish are quite remarkable. However, is not always this simple and even though the overall color is pink, they will probably have more color variations, from red, to purple and white along their fins, tail and body. The difference is inthe length of the webbing and the rays. Choosing a Betta is about deciding which type of Betta you prefer. This fish is a favorite because of its beauty, its long flowing fins and because of their relatively easy care. I recently decided to get another and can’t believe the variety available these days. All the Betta species are small fishes, but they vary considerably in size, ranging from under 2.5 cm (1 in) total length in B. chanoides to 14 cm (5.5 in) in the Akar betta (B. akarensis).. Bettas are anabantoids, which means they can breathe atmospheric air using a unique organ called the labyrinth.This accounts for their ability to thrive in low-oxygen water … This variation can have many different yellow shadings, from extremely yellow to a more tamed soft coloration. Veil Tail (VT) The most common type of tail type you will ever come across in pet stores is the Veil Tail. See also the best medication for sick betta. About how big will a Plakat get? After years of constant cross-breeding to develop their flashy tails, the gene pool within which these fish are bred has shrunk. Their colors appear blotchy and irregular, often with a light pale solid body color with rich reds and blues creating a pattern. But still, we don’t know which types of betta fish we are petting in our fish tank. The plakat betta fish is known for its short, almost stumpy tail, closely resembling the tail found in wild betta fish. This is the first betta I have owned so looking for as much info I can find on them. Transparent looking Bettas often get confused with the albino variation. Roundtails have a fully rounded tail edges. To look at, these fish appear to have strokes of the lighter shade color drawn or painted over their dark bodies with a fine pointed pen or brush. Betta Fish Care; Types of Catfish; Types of Betta Fish – Conclusion. They are a bi-colored variation showing different coloration between body and fins. Their striking colors and flamboyant fins give these feisty fish the appearance of a Spanish flamenco dancer, weaving their way through their tank with their colorful fins on display. Rosetail Bettaeval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',119,'0','0'])); The Rosetail Betta is a variation of the half-moon where the total spread of the caudal fin is larger than 180°. What should I do about this. Marble betta fish are known for their uniquely colored splotch-like patterns covering their bodies, tails, and fins. The best thing about this type is that they develop their coloration over time. So Ariel can’t eat any food. Crowntail betta fish are very closely related to the combtail. Usually, this variation has a larger and longer dorsal fin with a shorter body. Cambodian patterning is a variation of the common bi-colored pattern, and Cambodian betta fish have a light-pink or white body and blood-red colored tail and fins. However, solid orange betta fish that resemble the coloring of a goldfish are exceedingly rare. Learn how to prevent, diagnose, and treat common betta fish infections and diseases. However, is it their color that is the most striking characteristic. Without a doubt, the rarest of betta fish is the albino. This often means that single tail Bettas already show double tail characteristics such as dorsal fins with more rays than normal which give them a richer appearance. They are an easy fish to identify as their fins and tail webbing only extends a short way down each ray. Instead, their tails have a rounded looking edge. Whereas chocolate bettas have a brown body, mustard betta fish typically have a blue or green body and may also have a tail that shades to black on its outer tips. The last way to classify the different types of Betta Fish is through their pattern. This is the final component of describing and determining different varieties of betta fish. From their head to the base of their tail, their entire body is a single consistent color—leaving only their fins and tail to display a different shade or color. This gene can be found in any Betta, of any tail shape and size. Betta fish come in a wide variety of solid colors from the most vivid to plain whites and black, yet many are also two-toned, and others have a range of different pigmentations. One of the beautiful types of betta fish, the Veil tail betta fish is the most common … They are named after the Greek letter delta, and they can be found in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Considered by many to be the same variety, and by some as two distinct fish, the rosetail betta fish has the most magnificent, free-flowing tails of all betta fish varieties—making them both the most beautiful and also most sought after of all betta fish. Reproductive behavior among Siamese fighting fish is a blend of beauty and terror, as their courtship can get … Still, the male shows amazing colors. They have been cross bred over years creating the most amazing colorations and tail variations. You will find different shapes of tail and fins of Betta such as flowing fins, short tail, fan-shaped tail, etc. After learning how to call each betta type, now it is time to put you into a test. Betta is easy to feed but their life is not long enough to live. More tail types include the Combtail Betta, Round Tail, Spade Tail, Over-Halfmoon, Super Delta, Half-Sun and Feathertail.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_19',120,'0','0'])); Some Betta Fish might have a uniform color whereas other will be a mix of lots of different colors. However, this is not the case with mask bettas, as these fish have a face coloring that matches the rest of their body. Thank you for the wonderful article. See more ideas about betta fish types, betta fish, betta. These fish were commonly used and bred for fighting.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',115,'0','0'])); Halfmoon Betta The name Halfmoon Betta is quite self-explanatory. Often, purple betta fish have a shading of blue, red, or lavender. Half moon betta fish are manned for the widespread of their tails, which typically spread to a full 180 degrees, giving their tails the shape of a capital D. As well as having very wide caudal fins, their dorsal and anal fin s are also much wider than a typical betta fish, although these do not spread to a full 180 degrees. They are so well loved due to the many different shapes and colors which they can be found in. Characteristics. If you have a large enough space and a Betta that is not aggressive, Betta’s can live with many different types of fish in perfect harmony. The resulting fish has a full 180-degree wide tail with rays that extend beyond their tail webbing. Blue Betta (Betta splendens var. A very pretty looking fish, veil tails were at one time extremely popular on the show and competition circuit; however, due to their mass-market appeal and over breeding they are no longer seen as desirable for these purposes. Tail variation, colors and patterns have been carefully and selectively bred over the years by experts and now there are hundreds of betta fish types. A post shared by betta mau masukee (@betta_mau_masukee). A newer variety is the combtail, which may also be called the half sun betta fish. Hence, when discussing betta fish, it is a matter of considering their base color and their distinctive color patterns. The Emerald Green Betta Fish. Body patterns can also have lots of variation, from multi-colored patterns to single body patterns. If not, I am still a fan and appreciative of the knowledge you’ve already shared : ). The Pink Betta Fish can sometimes appear almost translucent. Marble Betta Marble Bettas are another very popular variation as they have an incredible color variation. While the males show striking colors with long fins and tail, female look quite different.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',135,'0','0'])); Usually the female has lighter colors with a shorter tail with a less majestic overall appearance. Green Betta Fish Full green Betta Fish are quite rare. Like the chocolate betta, they are bi-colored and have a dark-colored body with translucent orange tail and fins. Your email address will not be published. If you want to breed Betta fish, you should know this is a dominant tail type over other variations, and therefore is one of the easiest to breed.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])); The female is again quite different. He’s what the breeder says a teenager. Instead of having webbing... Crowntail. Hi Larry, Plakats grow to around 1.5 inches. These are the most common types of Betta fish: PLAKAT BETTA, CROWNTAIL BETTA, DOUBLE TAIL BETTA, COMBTAIL BETTA, ROSETAIL BETTA, VEIL TAIL (VT) BETTA, HALFMOON (HM) BETTA and other. He made it through two moves and over four years with us and behaved more like a puppy than a fish! They do not require a lot of maintenance and their physiology and behavior is quite captivating and amazing.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',109,'0','0'])); This fish can learn to recognize their owners, and they also create bubble nests. The Betta Fish’ Main Characteristics. Their eyesight aids in their curious and combative nature and is why they’ll scurry up to the top when you put your finger near the water’s surface, or chase your finger as you trace it across the tank (no poking or banging). Violet. It is made even more confusing because the chocolate bettas have a remarkably similar coloring to mustard (see below) betta fish. Most betta fish have a face that is darker than the rest of their body. As their name suggests, the double tail delta has a double caudal (rear) fin. Half mask bettas have, as their name suggests, half of their face the same color as their body, and the other half a different shade or color. The correct way to refer to these fish is as being bi-color brown and bi-color orange bettas. The term ‘chocolate’ is commonly used to describe a popular variety of betta fish with a brown or tan body and striking orange fins. While a popular trait among aquarists, the double tail is actually the result of a genetic mutation that causes the fish some difficulty and usually results in a shortened lifespan. The feature of this variation is that the rays of the tail are particularly branchy. The half sun betta is a relatively new hybrid fish that is the result of selectively crossing a half moon betta with a crown tail betta. These are small fish that are easily kept in 5 gallon tanks. Your Betta fish will often be classified by the shape and the size of its tail. The spread of the tail reaches over 180° around the body. Types of Betta Fish 1.Crown tail Betta fish. This species is relatively young, first bred by Ahmad Yusuf in Indonesia around 25 years ago. I have one from Petco that was titled “Male, Red Platinum Dragon”. For competition purposes, regardless of the color configuration, it is important that bi-colored bettas only have two colors, and fish with any other marking will be disqualified. Yellow betta fish are often described by fanciers as non-red, rather than yellow, but they actually come in several yellow tones—from light yellow to a beep buttery color. They have all types of tail types and color patterns. Crowntail bettas can also have double or even triple ray extensions, in which multiple rays in their tails or fins appear to extend from larger central rays. Most of the time, marble bettas have a light-colored body with dark marble patterning that is usually a single bold color. This variation is also known as “non-red” as they exhibit similar characteristics but are yellow.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-1','ezslot_22',125,'0','0'])); White Betta Fish The White Betta Fish might appear a bit plain when compared to other color variations. Apr 24, 2015 - Betta fish fan as I am still curious about the different types of betta fish in the world. Leave a comment in the section below…, 5 Best HOB Filters: The Complete Guide To Hang On Back Filters. Double tails have to complete and separate fins that are not conjoined or split in any way. Most of us are fond of keeping the betta fish due to different kinds of varieties they have. Welcome to Fishkeeping World. I think my betta is a female plakat, She has a small round tail, small sharp top fin and a longer bottom fin and she’s a metallic blue with a tint of red when viewed from a certain angle. Fish Keeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and any other affiliated sites. Every single species is unique, and may get advantages or disadvantages with its own features. 8 Best Betta Fish Tanks 2021 – Reviews & Top Picks, 20 Types of Platy Fish Colors, Species, & Tails (With Pictures), 100+ Betta Fish Names: Ideas for Unique & Cool Fish, 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures). Koi Betta The Koi Betta is a variation of the Marble type, carefully selected through breeding. My daughter (3) really enjoys them as they are “friendly” and come to you and hover whenever you pay attention to them. Often the green is masked under a darker coloration, and if you shine light against it an iridescent green tone can appear. This variation is often mistakenly called Chocolate as the color of the fins are quite similar. Have a look at the different types of Betta fish with varieties of tail shapes: Quick Details 1. 12. These fish often appear to have green or blue tails; however, this is just the color of the light passing through the water they are swimming in, as these betta fish have no pigmentation in the tails or fins either. The Half Sun tail is one of the rarest and hardest tail types to breed. Rather, it results from a recessive gene that gives the base color of the fish the appearance of having a whitewash overlay. When people typically think of an orange fish, it is the Common Goldfish that comes to mind. The different names usually give you an idea of the tail shape, from the most common such as Veiltail, Crowntail and Halfmoon to smaller sizes such as the Plakat. Usually with brilliant striking colorations, the fins of this variation are quite funny. Delta bettas come in two sub-varieties, which are referred to as being delta or super delta. The fins of this species have a long spikey crown appearance, however if the webbing reaches more than 2/3 up the tail then it is classified as a different type – the Combtail Betta. Red Betta (Betta splendens var. Usually the fins and tail are white or transparent.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-sky-3','ezslot_28',139,'0','0'])); Another variation of this pattern is to have the body of one color and then the inside of the fins and tail of another to then become white or transparent around the edges. An avid animal lover, Roland started this blog to help all varieties of pets and their owners on their journey to living their best lives. This color suddenly stops and is replace by a paler and iridescent color. Absolutely the best fish. As the name suggests, this variation was bred to resemble the very popular Koi pond fish.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-sky-2','ezslot_27',140,'0','0'])); This is not a species found in the wild and was carefully bred over the years by aquarium hobbyist to preserve the most amazing characteristics and features. And that is the reason why there are as many as 100 different types of betta fish. A post shared by Marty McFish (@martymcfish). The species can grow up to 2.8 inches (7 cm) in length. As with albinos in other animal species, the albino betta fish has no pigmentation at all, they are totally white, and have eyes that have a pink or reddish tinge. Combtail Bettas are similar to Crowntails. Some of the color patterns have been carefully selected over the years by selective breeding.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_20',138,'0','0'])); This is a relatively new pattern created through selective breeding. They range from a very light-yellow color to rich butter-like tones. However even though the coloration can appear a bit dull, if you choose the right tail type, they are quite majestic. Like 95% of fish, the betta fish’ body is coated with scales as well as a thin «adipose film» that protects them from external elements.Their fins hold them straight and provide power, speed and direction for swimming.To stay in certain positions, they use a swim bladder located at the back of the head and extends about a third of the body. The most attractive features in a Betta fish are its tail and fins that make it more beautiful. Their namesake tail resembles that of the delta betta, only without straight edges, resulting in their tail having a round, almost circular appearance. These fish are quite plainly colored in the wild, but those bred in captivity can be found in almost any vibrant color or shade. Delta Tail Bettaeval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',118,'0','0'])); The Delta Tail Betta has a rather large tail. Super delta betta fish have a wider tail than the standard delta. Native to the Mekong Delta region of Southeast Asia, there are over 70 different wild varieties of the betta fish, with many more developed in captivity. Not like the old days where there are several variants of betta fish are introduced. Plakat Betta Contrary to most Betta Fish, Plakat Bettas have short and round tails. We have a red and purple crown tail and a sky blue mustard rose tail (both from petsmart). He faints to the rear and runs after a while but mostly he shows no fear. Hi! The tail starts to narrow towards the body and it widens toward the edges resembling the triangular shape of the Greek letter. It comes in many different colors variations and the overall appearance is quite remarkable. It is by far the most informative I have come across! It is a popular misconception that their double-tail is actually just one tail split in half; however, that is not the case. This type... 2. Butterfly betta fish have a solid color that extends part-way into their fins and tails, before stopping at a distinct line, leaving the rest of their fins and tail pale and translucent. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Their base body color is usually a rich color such as red with iridescent pale scales across its main body (often copper in color). Everyone knows... 2. Their fins are also quite short when compared to other variations. The crown tail betta fishes are very popular in the United States for their beautiful caudal... 2.Veil tail Betta. If the tail becomes particularly branchy with a very ruffled appearance then its considered a Feathertail. These Bettas are completely white. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. You only have to look at [Continue reading …], There are lots of shoaling species available for your aquarium, and it can be difficult to pick one. Females tend to have lighter colorations and short fins and tail. However as the fish ages, this ability will slow down. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. These fish have a soft pink coloring, but their color does not come from their skin tone, rather it is the coloring of the fish’s insides visible through their skin. Their fins are usually yellow or orange hence their name. You can include a much [Continue reading …], To have some algae in your tank is completely normal and natural, and is actually a sign of a healthy aquarium. The crown tail is quite a lot bigger (we got them at the same time but I don’t know how old they are). The first pet my husband and I ever owned together was a Crowntail named “Essex.” We got him in the late ‘90s, when the “Siamese Fighting Fish” craze first started (at least here in Charleston, SC). The key to understanding and classifying betta fish is in knowing that their wide variety of looks comes from the many different combinations of colors, patterns, and tail types that these stunningly beautiful fish can have. Whilst some aquarists advocate that your tank should be pristine, and have no algae growth at all, this is not natural or healthy. Often mistaken for the rare albino betta fish, the clear betta fish has a translucent skin with no pigmentation. The male of this variation has a long, flowing downwards swooping tail.
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